Set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe,
"Spider-Man: Far From Home" sees protagonist Peter Parker,
played by Tom Holland, take on his superhero responsibilities
again when Samuel L. Jackson's super-spy Nick Fury, a regular
"Avengers" character, asks him to step up against a new threat.
But Parker is reluctant as he heads off on a school trip to
Europe, where he just wants to enjoy himself and share his
feelings to love interest MJ, played by singer and actress
"We've taken Spider-Man outside of Queens and we put him on the
world stage...we've taken him to London, Venice, Prague,"
Holland told Reuters.
"In this film he's trying to hang up the suit and not be
Spider-Man for a while and take a break. And wherever he goes it
seems that trouble follows so we've caught him in a vulnerable
state and we get to see how he deals with that situation."
The film follows on from Marvel's "Avengers: Endgame", the
finale to a decade-long superhero series. Jackson said Fury was
"definitely trying to regain control of his life and a modicum
of control of the world" in this movie, which also looks at the
concept of fake news and misrepresentation.
"We are living in a time where there is a lot of complication
and people don't really know what's going on," Jake Gyllenhaal,
who plays newcomer Quentin Beck, said.
The film also introduces a new twist on Spider-Man's early
warning reflex, "Spidey Sense", where it is renamed the "Peter
"Spider-Man: Far from Home", which begins its worldwide cinema
roll-out later this week, is Holland's second film in the
leading role as the superhero. He also made appearances in
several "Avengers" movies.
He follows in the footsteps of Andrew Garfield from "The Amazing
Spider-Man" franchise and Tobey Maguire who played the superhero
in three movies from 2002 to 2007.
(Reporting by Jayson Mansaray; Writing by Marie-Louise Gumuchian;
Editing by Alexandra Hudson)
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