Remove the flower stems of salvias, veronicas and
similar flowers as the blooms begin to fade. Use a pruner or sharp
garden scissors and cut just above the first set of leaves or above
the side shoots where new flower buds are forming.
Cut back flopping perennials like Walker’s Low catmint, veronica and
Salvia that have finished their second flush of flowers. New growth
will be sturdier, more compact and eventually covered with blooms.
Plants like daylilies and balloon flower require a bit different
care. Remove the individual blooms as they fade for maximum beauty.
Once all the individual flowers have bloomed out, you can cut the
flower stem back at the base.
Keep coral bells tidy and many varieties blooming longer with a bit
of deadheading. Remove the whole flower stem, once blooms fade, back
to the leafy base where it arises from the plant. And cut a few
flowers to enjoy indoors in a summer bouquet.

Remove faded flowers for a neater and tidier appearance, but no
additional bloom, on peonies, lamb’s ear and bergenia. Removing the
seedpods of peonies as they form, back to a healthy set of leaves,
helps keep stems upright and makes for a tidier plant throughout the
Deadheading won't extend the bloom for columbine, but it will
prevent reseeding - if that’s a concern for you. Prune the flowering
stems back to their base in the foliage.
Removing spent flowers on perennials like bee balm, purple
coneflower, salvia, veronicas, garden phlox and many others will
encourage additional bloom. You may want to skip deadheading of any
late blooming varieties. This allows them to form seed pods for a
bit of winter interest.
[to top of second column] |

Pruning your flowers can also impact the appearance,
size, and flowering of plants. Prune Russian sage and upright
sedums, like Autumn Joy, subject to flopping back halfway in
mid-June to encourage sturdy growth. Pruning coneflowers and other
late blooming perennials once, early in the season, can result in
shorter plants that flower a bit later. Pinch asters and mums back
to 6 inches throughout June and into early July in southern regions
for compact plants and an attractive fall display.
Further improve your garden’s beauty by removing or
trimming back discolored foliage with sharp scissors or a hand
Stake taller perennials in need of a bit of support. Use bamboo
stakes and ties, twigs woven into stems or other attractive or
virtually invisible supports. Then make a note on next year’s
calendar as a reminder to put stakes in place in spring as plants
Spread a layer of shredded leaves, evergreen needles or other
organic mulch over the soil surface. This conserves moisture, helps
suppress weeds and improves the soil as they break down.
A bit of pinching and pruning now as various flowers fade will
extend the beauty and your enjoyment throughout summer and into
[Photo credit: Melinda Myers, LLC]
Melinda Myers is the author of more than 20 gardening books
and is the host of The Great Courses’ How to Grow Anything DVD
series. Her website,, offers gardening tips and