Remember that it is not “extra” money: most of it is the hard-earned
money that you worked throughout the year.
Come up with a plan for your refund. Decide how this money will help
you to establish or maintain financial stability.
Use your refund to build a rainy day fund.
Recent studies revealed, "40% of the population is unable to meet an
unexpected $400 expense without going into debt" (e.g., taking care
of a car problem, replacing a busted sump pump in your home, or
replacing a damaged cellphone). A rainy day fund helps build your
sense of security in case the unexpected happens.
Use your refund to pay down/off credit card debt.
By getting rid of past debt or high-interest credit card debt, you
can focus on your future financial goals.
Use your refund to invest in your future.
Plan for retirement: consider contributing to an Individual
Retirement Account (IRA) or 401K. Once established, set up automatic
payments from your paycheck.
Establish a 529 savings plan to save for your child's education.
For more tips on how you can save money and build up your nest egg
[Camaya Wallace Bechard, Consumer
Economics Educator, University of Illinois Extension]
