There are four, two hour Sessions in the initial Diabetes Self
Management Education (DSME) Program called Diabetes 101.
Follow-up DSME and individual or group Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT
or Diet Counseling) is encouraged after completing the classes to
assist in meeting your changing needs with long-term diabetes
management. Both services are proven to decrease complications of
Required: Initial Diabetes Assessment Appointment -encouraged prior
to class
Verification of Session enrollment by Instructor prior to class
Recommended- Bring a 3 ring binder (1/2 to 1+1/2 inch)

Location: Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital, 200 Stahlhut Drive,
Spring 2019 DSME Class Sessions will be held at the following times:
APRIL AFTERNOONS: Thursdays 1:15 to 3:30 pm
Session 1- Apr. 4,
Session 2- Apr. 11,
Session 3- Apr. 18,
Session 4- Apr. 25
ALMH Wombacher Room- first room on the right after Lobby
APRIL EVENINGS: Thursdays 5:00 to 7:15 pm
Session 1- Apr. 4,
Session 2- Apr. 11,
Session 3- Apr. 18,
Session 4- Apr. 25
ALMH Wombacher Room- first room on the right after Lobby
MAY AFTERNOONS: Thursdays 1:15 to 3:30 pm
Session 1- May 2,
Session 2- May 9,
Session 3- May 16,
Session 4- May 23
ALMH Wombacher Room- first room on the right after Lobby
[to top of second column] |

MAY EVENINGS: Thursdays 5:00 to 7:15 pm
Session 1- May 2,
Session 2- May 9,
Session 3- May 16,
Session 4- May 23
ALMH Wombacher Room- first room on the right after Lobby
Saturday May 11th 10:00 am to 12:00 am
Tuesday May 28th 5:00 pm to 7:15 pm
ALMH Steinfort A- turn left after lobby, conference room first right
Visit Memorial Weight Loss and Wellness Center at ALMH, Diabetes
Education for Diabetes Self Management Education Program information (DSME
Diabetes Self-Assessment Form and answers to Frequently Asked Questions)
and About ALMH, Calendar for DSME Class and Support Group schedules.
Jennifer DiPasquale, RD, Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE) and Program
Sarah Tierney, RN, CDE, Program Instructor
Call ALMH Diabetes Services to schedule your Initial Diabetes Assessment
appointment at (217) 605-5536.
[Angela Stoltzenburg, MBA
ALMH Community Health Collaborative, Director]