Atlanta Ag 4-H members help out at local Easter Egg Hunt

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[May 11, 2019]     Send a link to a friend  Share

The Atlanta Ag 4-H IN THE COMMUNITY!! Members volunteered at this fun event with set up, the hunt and handing out goodies to all the kids.

Pictures by Kim Carlock

Set up all Atlanta Ag 4-H




Hiding the Eggs
Abigail Goodman, Nina Salvator, Winton Carlock

Hiding Eggs
Ethan Bertram and Charlotte Toohill

Helping Empty the Eggs
Cavit Schempp


Handing out Candy Bars
Mary, Jamie and Winton Carlock


Handing out Goodie Bags
Kasey Salvator


Atlanta Ag 4-H Group
Front: Abigail and Allen Goodman
2nd: Winton Carlock, Nina and Kasey Salvator
3rd: Charlotte Toohill, Jamie Carlock, Cavit Schempp, Mary Carlock
Back: Ethan Bertram and Doug Thompson (Atlanta Park Board)


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