No matter what the talent or skill: prayer, original
artwork, baking, canning, gardening, hospitality, recycling,
running, cleaning, also in eating, building, or playing golf, etc.,
God will bless the offerings to help feed hungry people because even
the smallest gift put in the hands of the Master changes everything
Ron Otto, preaching minister at Lincoln Christian Church, reminded
the congregation of one such offering, in the Bible, given by a
little boy with a small lunch. While he held the basket, it was just
a lunch but when the lunch was given to the Master something
miraculous happened. There are only two miracles repeated in all
four Gospels of the Bible: The Resurrection story and the feeding of
the 5,000. This isn’t a small private miracle like Jesus often does.
This is a moment when Jesus is putting Himself on display for
thousands to see. Those who hated Jesus the most during His ministry
never denied the miracles. They credited His power to Satan, they
criticized Him for doing miracles on the wrong day, and they paid a
guard to lie about His miracles, but they never denied that miracles
were happening.
Jesus crossed over the Sea of Galilee and on the other side a large
crowd was waiting for Him. Those waiting were there because they
knew Jesus would heal the sick.
Since there was a crowd, Jesus started preaching. According to
Matthew (14:13-21), Mark (6:30-44), Luke (9:10-17), and John
(6:1-15) Jesus started preaching in the early morning and was still
preaching in the late afternoon. The disciples noticed that the
crowd was starting to get restless and they chose one disciple to
tell Jesus that it was time to stop so people could go get something
to eat. Jesus told the disciples to feed the people.
In the meantime, a disciple feels a tug on his coat
and a little boy offers his lunch. John (6:8-9) tells it this way,
“Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, spoke up, ‘Here is a boy with five
small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go
among so many?’ About 5,000 men were there, but the crowd was much
Jesus took the loaf, and everyone ate as much as they
wanted, He did the same with the fish. When everyone had eaten, the
disciples picked up 12 baskets of leftovers so nothing would go to
waste. This was not a trick or gimmick; it was a full-blown miracle.
Many of us can relate to this little guy; what we
bring to Jesus seems so small. People in garages and kitchens and
workshops putting together a small craft not to give to the church
or to the Harvest of Talents committee, but to put in the hands of
Jesus. Jesus can multiply our small offerings in amazing ways.
[to top of second column] |

Our country sends billions of dollars in relief to
other countries each year and it doesn’t make a dent in the needs of
the world.

On Sunday morning, Pat Snyder presented a check to
International Disaster Emergency Services of Noblesville, IN in the
amount of $100,043.69 with these words, “The mission of the Harvest
of Talents is to provide both spiritual and physical food to those
who are hungry and hurting in our world in Jesus name.” IDES will
feed hungry people while sharing the embrace of Jesus Christ and
that is what is going to change our world.

The total donated to I.D.E.S. over the last 36 years is
$2,440,496.66. David Stine, Director of Operations, IDES, shared,
“We have a great vision of taking care of starving people all around
the world and reaching them with the love of Christ. And, that’s
what it’s all about: people being fed, and lives being changed.”
[Lisa Ramlow] |