Giving recipient Meals on Wheels

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[November 14, 2019]  For 2020, The United Way of Logan County continues to partner with 15 non-profit programs in our community. Meals on Wheels is one of those programs.

Community Action Partnership of Central Illinois (CAPCIL) administers the Meals on Wheels program in Logan County – led by Becky Leamon. CAPCIL began the Senior Nutrition, Meals on Wheels Program in 1973.

Meet Lizzell Cook, a recipient of this program. Lizzell will soon be 90 years young! She is a widow and raised 12 children all on her own. She moved to Lincoln from Chicago so her children could go to school here. Her children and grandchildren visit from time to time and sometimes stay extended periods of time if she needs extra help.

In 2011, Lizzell had heart surgery and Community Action's Senior Nutrition Program, Meals on Wheels, began delivering her meals once she returned home. Lizzell states "The meals have been a blessing because I just can't stand for long periods of time to cook any more".

With the 5 meals a week she receives, she is able to remain in her home where she has lived for over half of her life. Not only are we providing a warm nutritious meal, but we are providing a safety check and a warm friendly smile. Becky Leamon shares, “I love getting the chance to deliver meals to so many seniors in our community like Lizzell who always feed my soul with their warm smile and kindness. We can improve the lives of those right here in our community by providing meals, smiles and safety checks! What a blessing it is to be a part of such a wonderful program and United Way of Logan County is right there helping us do just that!”

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United Way funding allows the program to continue without implementing a waiting list, reducing the number of individuals in our community who struggle with hunger, health issues and lack of socialization. In FY 2016 25,562 home delivered meals were served. In FY 2017 30,351 home delivered meals were served. In FY 2018 32,899 home delivered meals were served. In FY 2019, ending in September, 38,324 home delivered meals were served. This is the trend with the growing number of Baby Boomers. Area Agency on Aging for Lincolnland requires us to obtain a local match and United Way funding helps us meet that requirement.

Your Support Matters! Because this community supports The United Way of Logan County, Illinois, children have opportunities to live healthy, busy lives. Seniors can remain active and in their own homes. Families can prosper and recover from tragedy. Together we are doing what no one person or organization can do alone.

Thank you for making a difference.

[Patti Becker
Administrative Director
The United Way of Logan County, Illinois]

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