interim board of directors of Market on the Hill in Mount
Pulaski has announced that they have acquired $110,000 in
investment pledges, just $10,000 short of their fundraising goal
of $120,000. There are still investment opportunities available.
Though all the preferred stock is spoken for, there are still
regular stocks available and memberships.
The interim board will host an open meeting on Saturday,
November 16th, at the storefront location - 125 South Lafayette
Street, Mount Pulaski from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Among the items on
the meeting agenda will be a discussion on forming the permanent
board of directors. New board members will be nominated from the
pool of owners, and elections will be held to determine the
board membership. There will also be updates on the project.
The Market on the Hill is a food cooperative aimed at bringing a
small-town grocery store back to Mount Pulaski that will feature
locally grown products such as fresh produce and meats, along
with a selection of daily need grocery products.
[Lorah Hoe
Market On The Hill Interim Board Secretary]
