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Never once did Jesus tell the Church, "Pray for Revival". But He did say "Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out LABORERS into his harvest field." ( Matthew 9:38)

In Christ's words, we see the need not just of 'pray - ers', but we need 'WORKERS'! God wills to send those who will "DO". Think of the Titanic and the dreadful night of which it sank. Can you imagine being one of the saved ones in the lifeboat, sitting on it's hard-plank pews, singing hymns of thanks to God above, and not caring about the salvation of those perishing all around them? They have what they need for the task: a boat which saves, a voice of rescue to call out into the darkness, and hands to reach out and pull others in from death to life! Too often, the Church forgets it is a Lifeboat and instead has formed itself into a Pleasure Cruiseliner. If there is more talk on Sunday morning about coffee latte's and how good the music made you feel, than there is about reaching out to those perishing, then something is wrong with the Church! Noah built an ark with his hands and then preached to those who were perishing (2 Peter 2:5)! And even today, the Almighty has established His Church as a Lifeboat which saves - but are we reaching and calling out?

One of my favorite hymns goes like this:

" Hark, the voice of Jesus calling,

"Who will go and work today?

Fields are white and harvests waiting,

Who will bear the sheaves away?"

Loud and long the master calls you;

Rich reward he offers free.

Who will answer, gladly saying,

"Here am I. Send me, send me"?

If you cannot speak like angels,

If you cannot preach like Paul,

You can tell the love of Jesus;

You can say he died for all.

If you cannot rouse the wicked

With the judgment’s dread alarms,

You can lead the little children

To the Savior’s waiting arms."

If you are saved and in the lifeboat, please, don't just sit there, DO SOMETHING to call out and bring in those who are perishing into the lifeboat of salvation!

Pastor Dan McQuality

Grace Lutheran Church


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