[November 21, 2019]
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St. Clara's Rehab and Senior Care
hosted a veterans day observance this week that included guest
speakers Retired Master Sergeant Army Myron Schroeder and Jon
Langenbach, who spoke and sang for the group.
Veteran residents, along with civilian residents and guests were
gathered in the activity area of St. Clara's for a special day of
recognition hosted by St. Clara's Activity Director April Turley.
Pictures provided by St. Clara's |

Guests were invited to "take a
soldier" home with them. Little toy soldiers were set up on display
and all guests were encouraged to take a soldier home with them and
display it in a prominent place. The goal is to allow the soldiers
to be a gentle reminder each day of the sacrifices our military men
and women made to assure freedom of religion, speech and assembly.

Lea McEntire, U.S. Navy. |


Resident Betty Shartzer celebrates
Veterans Day in patriotic colors.

John Eimer, National Guard Army. |

U.S. Navy veteran Carmi Hawks
squeezes his wife's hand during the program.

John Langenbahn spoke and sang during
the program. |

St. Clara's Activity Director April Turley hosted the program. |

Retired Master Sergeant Army Myron Schroeder gave a speech
celebrating the past, present and future of our veterans. |

Veteran John Berker, Navy. |

Veteran Paul Osborne, Army. |
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