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To the editor:I am enraged!
Two mass shootings within 24 hours. What is happening to this
country? We have had mass shootings at schools, universities,
churches, temples, mosques, shopping malls, movie theaters,
nightclubs. There is nowhere were we are safe anymore. Why?
These "domestic terrorists" all use military grade weapons to spray
bullets that kill numbers of people withing seconds, minutes. Why do
these terrorists commit these atrocities? The answer: they have
access to these weapons. And, they are being constantly
indoctrinated by message boards that proclaim bigoted, racists,
hateful rhetoric. They listen to radio programs that target that
specific audience. They buy into this propaganda. They are not
"mentally ill" as some commentators on television suspect. No! These
terrorists have an entrenched belief system of hatred.

[to top of second column in this letter] |
 We need Red Flag legislation to pick out those
susceptible to these beliefs, and we need legislation immediately
that restricts military grade weapons. They are protected by the
Second and First Amendments. But we must demand limitations on these
domestic terrorists. They are shaking the very security of this
nation. The Director of the FBI, Christopher Wray, has said this is
a threat to national security as they track the wide spread growth
of "Domestic Terrorists".
As Christians, we read the Book of James that calls Christians to
take action, to put their belief into action. Please take action.
Call Senator Durbin at 202) 224-2152 or Congressman Darin LaHood at
217) 670-1653 or 202) 225-6201 now.
Rebecca Drake
August 12,
Click here to send a note to the editor about this letter.