East St. Louis, Illinois, is home to the highest murder rate of
any American city. Two-thirds of its children live in poverty.
In other words, $2.2 million for the city goes a long way.
But thanks to the reckless promises of Illinois politicians, $2.2 million in
state funding for East St. Louis is set to be “intercepted” by Illinois
Comptroller Susana Mendoza’s office, and dumped directly into the local
firefighters pension fund, which has just 9 cents on hand for every dollar it
needs to pay future benefits.
This is Illinois’ pension crisis, where throwing money into a sinkhole of
pension debt takes priority over the needs of vulnerable people today. East St.
Louis is the fourth Illinois city facing confiscation of its state funding due
to mounting pension debt. Dozens of other cities are susceptible to the same.
Pressure is building to do something, anything, to stop the pension pain. Local
governments have hiked property taxes ad nauseam to fill the hole. In some
communities, residents are tapped out. In others, the tax base has shrunk so
much already that further hikes would be suicide.

Mayors and public-sector unions are casting an eye toward Springfield for help.
But the firehouse is ablaze.
A new report from Moody’s Investors Service pegged Illinois’ state pension debt
as the worst in the nation, equal to 505% of the revenue the state brings in.
(This was surely a relief to Illinoisans who thought the 2017 income tax hike
they shouldered was for naught. Before the tax hike, that ratio was 601%. Phew.)
Moody’s estimated the state’s total pension debt at $240.8 billion, meaning that
despite a soaring stock market, Illinois’ five state pension funds alone need
$18,896 from every person in Illinois.
Springfield cannot put local pension debt directly on the state’s books. Gov.
J.B. Pritzker said as much in response to Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s call
for a state takeover of Chicago’s local pension funds. On its own, that would
plunge the state’s credit rating into junk status.
But Pritzker has also refused to back even modest pension reform, meaning local
governments will see no real, long-term relief.
[to top of second column] |

So where does that leave Lightfoot and other
Ahead of fall veto session, momentum is building for consolidation
of Illinois’ 650 suburban and downstate pension funds. If passed,
this change will result in small but necessary savings on
administrative fees and potentially yield larger investment returns.
Consolidation sounds harmless, but what should worry residents is
whether consolidation is greasing the skids for a state bailout of
local pension funds.
Of course, the state has no money to bail out the locals and little
ability to borrow. That leaves one other option: large, statewide
tax hikes, with every dollar dedicated toward pension debt.
Some potential options include a new tax on retirement income, an
expansion of the sales tax to include services, and income tax
If voters approve Pritzker’s progressive income tax next November,
the first and third options become much more likely.
Avoiding pension reform in favor of a bailout would be one of the
most ruinous policy choices in the history of the state. Just as
pension pressure has caused Illinoisans’ property taxes to skyrocket
to second-highest in the nation, so too would it force lawmakers to
create additional tax brackets and rate hikes under a progressive
income tax scheme.
Illinois cannot and should not bail out local pension funds. But
there is plenty it should do.
First on the list is an amendment to the Illinois Constitution
allowing for pension reform. This problem can’t be fixed with tax
hikes, and the sooner lawmakers realize that the better. Second is
collective bargaining reform, allowing local leaders to drive tough
but necessary deals for services their residents need. Third, the
most distressed areas should collaborate with the state to provide
an orderly, fair road to a brighter future, which could come in the
form of municipal bankruptcy proceedings: a plan for a clean slate.

Bailouts reward bad behavior. Reform rewards residents. Lawmakers
should bend toward the latter
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