The purpose of the hearing is to receive
comments on changes that the Board is considering making to the
Illinois List of Endangered and Threatened Species. The Illinois
Endangered Species Protection Act requires that the Board review
and revise the Illinois list as necessary at least every five
years, and that listing decisions are made based on scientific
evidence. The proposed changes to the list are the result of
that review.
The Board will take oral and written testimony from the public
regarding the proposed changes. The hearing record will remain
open for an additional two weeks following the public hearing.
All written comments must be received no later than Friday, Oct.
25, 2019.
A complete list of the Board’s proposed changes and additional
references, including the current list of Illinois endangered
and threatened species effective in 2015, can be viewed on the
at IDNR website at: Pages/default.aspx
To request a copy of the proposed changes or to submit written
comments, contact the Board at or by
writing to the Illinois Endangered Species Protection Board, One
Natural Resources Way, Springfield, IL 62702-1271.
The public hearing held Oct. 11, 2019, will be accessible to
handicapped individuals in compliance with all pertinent state
and federal laws, upon notification of anticipated attendance.
Handicapped persons planning to attend and needing special
accommodations should contact the Endangered Species Protection
Board at 217-785-0067 (TTY 217/782-9175) prior to the hearing to
inform of their anticipated attendance.
[Illinois Office of Communication and