
By Ryan Jay Edgecombe
Pastor – Broadwell Christian Church
Chaplain – The Christian Village

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[April 02, 2020]  1 Peter 5:6, 7

“Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”

We live in uncertain times. As I type this little devotional out on my computer screen, men and women/boys and girls of all ages and all backgrounds are taking steps to protect themselves from a very real yet invisible threat. COVID-19 (The Coronavirus) has the potential to be, and has already proven to be a very real threat to the health of the world, especially to older adults. As a result schools are being cancelled, vulnerable populations are being quarantined, and group activities (including some worship services) are being suspended. Have you felt an increased sense of isolation lately due to these measures?

The good news is that we are not alone. There are some good people at every level of government that are doing their best to help guide us through this crisis. There are some good people in the business world and in the medical world and in the world of education that are doing their best to provide support in these uncertain times. God’s people are here too! Christians across denominational lines have always made a difference in hard times. We don’t know what tomorrow will bring but I am confident that there will be people of faith at the ready to serve others in whatever needs present themselves.

Once again… The Good News is that we are not alone. God is near. He is the Sovereign King of the Universe. These are humbling times and so I ask that you humble yourselves and turn to Him and follow His leading for He is the Good Shepherd of your soul.

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You can turn to Him with your anxieties and your fears and He will hear and draw near to you. We know that He is faithful… I know that He is faithful… because He sent us Jesus.

This Divine Savior walked with us, laughed with us, cried with us, taught us, healed us, and forgave us. This Divine Savior carried our sins on the cross on Good Friday. This Divine Savior literally and physically rose from the grave on Easter Sunday so that through faith in Him death would have no victory over us. This Divine Savior has truly lifted us up and is continually lifting us up. The victory He brings, culminating in His resurrection is the good news we need through the good times and the hard times and through the chaotic times!

Keep your chin up! Do not allow uncertainty to beat you into a fearful frenzy! Cast your cares upon the Lord! You are not alone! The resurrection of Christ at Easter reminds us that a virus isn’t going to have the final say over us! We have been through worse and we made it through because of the Amazing Grace of our Creator and our Redeemer. This challenge will be no different.


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