Caroline Higgins was diagnosed in September with
glioblastoma – an incurable cancer that occupies the brain. She is
at home with her husband Mike. Because she is considered even more
at risk of coronavirus due to her cancer, Caroline and Mike are even
more isolated than most.

Close friends to the Higgins’, Chuck and Penny Fricke
and Ron and Deb Ackerman wanted to do something special to show
Caroline and Mike that they are in the hearts and prayers of many,
many people. The four decided that they would organize a drive-by
parade to Mike and Caroline’s home.

The group had planned ahead and advised the Lincoln Police
Department what they were going to be doing. They issued a set of
rules to follow to assure safety while driving and also encouraged
social distancing for everyone sake.

On Saturday afternoon, more than 100 vehicles filled
the parking lot at Logan Lanes in preparation for the parade. Gifts,
cards, flowers and balloons were collected into one vehicle in the
parking lot.
Father Jeffery Liable of Holy Family Church came to the parking lot
and blessed each vehicle with Holy Water. The parade then began
their drive to the Higgins home just off Fifth Street. [to top of second
column] |

Cars waved signs, some delivered their gifts and cards to a location
a few feet away from the couple who watched from their driveway and
waved and greeted the parade vehicles. Some of the vehicles played
gospel music, and at least one played the song “Sweet Caroline.”
Father Liable made a special stop and blessed the Higgins along with
their beloved dog Pearl.
In the rules for the parade issued by the Fricke’s and Ackerman’s
the last paragraph defined the day:
“We seek to bring encouragement in the context of faith – to her,
her family, and even ourselves. May we be guided by the Apostle
Paul: ‘For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some
spiritual gift to strengthen you – that is, that you may be mutually
encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.’ (Romans
Caroline was clearly thrilled with the event as was Mike. After the
parade was over and the gifts were taken inside so the couple could
have time to appreciate the blessing that had been brought their way
by so many friends, Mike sent out a thank you message from himself
and Caroline via text.
“Thanks do not begin to cover the feelings Caroline and I had this
afternoon as this parade of blessings passed in front of us!
Sometimes when you feel like you're at the end of a long dark road,
a light suddenly appears to carry you on your way. This afternoon we
found that light, thanks to all of you, and many others too numerous
to count!
“Please pass these thoughts along to all, and know we wish you all a
blessed Easter, and look forward to seeing you all soon! - Caroline
and Mike”
What a community we live in! What a great gift we give, when we give
from the heart.
[Nila Smith/Karen Hargis] |