After practicing both in horticulture class and
outside of class time; four Olympia FFA members and horticulture
students competed against other area schools. Bailey Rogers, Carson
Inselmann, Ryleigh Hilt and Noah Reber represented Olympia’s team by
judging rings of plants, completing a multiple-choice test, as well
as identifying various plants and horticulture tools.

Noah Reber, Bailey
Rogers, Ryleigh Hilt, and Carson Inselmann with their floral
Students also designed and priced a floral

The students worked as individuals in each phase of the competition
and their scores were added together to get a team score, placing
2nd overall.
Our top individual was Noah Reber. He placed 6th overall.
Bailey Rogers stated, “I really loved working on the
flower arrangement. You could make the piece however you wanted
within the budget. You were able to be creative with your choices of
flowers and colors.”
[to top of second column] |

Ryleigh Hilt completes the plant ID
portion of the horticulture competition.
Ryleigh Hilt and Noah Reber agreed, “We had a good
time trying something new and meeting new people.” Hilt added,
“making the flower arrangement was super fun.”
“I really enjoyed the competition. I was nervous at first because it
was my first CDE, but once the competition started and I got into
it, it was a lot of fun,” explained Carson Inselmann.
The team was hoping to compete again in late April at the State FFA
event, but that has been postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. All
FFA events are currently cancelled or postponed.
[Bryce A. Hoffman
Ag Teacher/FFA Advisor
Olympia High School]