First Presbyterian Church of Lincoln Responds to Covid-19

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[April 27, 2020]  At the end of the Gospel of John, there is an encounter between the resurrected Christ and Peter. Jesus asks Peter three questions. The first is, "Simon Peter, do you love me more than these?" Peter responds, "Yes, Lord; you know that I love you." Jesus says to him, "Feed my sheep." A second time Jesus asks Peter, "do you love me?"

Peter says, "Yes, Lord; you know that I love you." To which Jesus says, "Tend my sheep." A third time Jesus asks Peter, "Do you love me?" The text says Peter felt hurt because of Christ's third question, and replies, "Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you." Jesus replies, "Feed my sheep." The disciples were soon to enter into an unusual time as their teacher, Jesus would no longer be with them. Jesus reminds Peter the call to feed and tend to God's children, which is what your session and the Deacons will do for you.

On Monday, March 16, the session of First Presbyterian Church met for our monthly stated session meeting and decided to suspend all activities for the remainder of March, including Kirk Night, Food for Thought packing, as well as all meetings and gatherings previously scheduled at church. Our top priority is keeping our community safe while also doing our part in slowing the transmission and rate of infection. Although we are suspending in-person programming and practicing social distancing so that we might “flatten the curve” on the spread of the coronavirus, we remain firmly committed to caring for all of you.

In the coming weeks, here is what you can expect from your pastor, the session, and the Deacons.

With the help from our music director, Julie Kasa, and our organist, Chet Lord-Remmert, we will continue to live-stream worship on Sunday mornings. For those of you who do not have access to this live stream, I will email or mail out the liturgy, as well as the sermon from each worship service.

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Remember, in addition to sending in your tithe/offering by mail, and you can also use the online option on our church website. As we move forward, expect weekly communications from me via email, phone calls, and social media events. I am mindful that not everyone uses technology and I promise to provide resources to assist you in your faith journey.

As the church we are called to care for one another. Both our Session and our Deacons are committed to seeing that the needs of our congregation are met. Whether that is running errands, providing meals, or offering our presence, you have a community of faith willing to feed, tend, and love God’s sheep. We are here for you!

Finally, here are some administrative details. The church office will maintain its regular hours. Chris will be in the office should you have any questions about anything. The Mission & Outreach team has been in communication with the schools about the Food for Thought program and is assessing how we can be of assistance. The session plans to meet again towards the end of the month to reassess when we can return to in-person gatherings. You will be notified as soon as we reach a decision.

In the meantime, beloved friends, continue to pray for one another, practice good self-care, and check in on one another.

Remember, God loves you, and so do I. If at any time you need anything, or if the isolation becomes too much, please do not hesitate to reach out. My cell phone number is 309-264-2172.

God be with you until we meet again, friends. Peace,

The Rev. Adam R. Quine, MAS

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