Martha and her gang went to Atlanta that day and
verified that she was right by finding some of the picture clues
that led her to believe it was Atlanta. She took a selfie and
sent it to us as she stood in front of the wall art outside
Chubby’s. She didn’t care for how the picture turned out, and
asked us to please not publish it. But nonetheless, she provided
us proof she went there, so we agreed.
Martha said that what cinched it for her was the small snip of a
larger photo published on Wednesday morning that said “Midway on
Illinois Mother Road.”
“I came to the conclusion that the clues are for Atlanta because
it probably really is almost half way between Chicago and St.
Louis on Route 66. So we hopped in the car to see for ourselves
if we could find the clues,” Martha said.
Martha is quite familiar with Route 66 and this first Eye Spy
brought back a couple of fond memories for her which she shared
with LDN.
“When I was a kid my Grandma lived right next to Route 66. I
still remember the sounds made by the semis rolling down Route
66 at night when I spent the night with her. I even remember
watching from her yard all the road work that IDOT had to do to
create I-55. Road construction that we experience on our summer
travels nowadays is nothing like seeing a highway being built
from scratch as a kid.”
Thanks so much Martha for playing Eye Spy with Lincoln Daily
News, and for sharing your Route 66 experience with our readers.
Now, for the rest of you….another game starts on Tuesday, August
4th. Don’t miss out on your chance to win bragging rights for
Eye Spy, Week Two.
[Nila Smith]