Kristy Morrow
"Kristy is very excited about the dress that
she made for her 4-H clothing project. This year, she learned how to
work with netting. She altered her pattern so that she could add an
embellished netting over her satin skirt. She improved her skills at
placing an invisible zipper and slip stitched her hem and bodice
lining. Kristy loves that she got to be creative with her project."

Stephen Starasta
Cooking 201
Passport to the World
Public Presentations,
Sportfishing 3
Woodworking 3
"Stephen reports learning to pay closer
attention to details in all areas of life. He also learned that
sometimes you have to work with things that are very delicate and
you need to be very gentle so that you don’t hurt or ruin them."

Sarah Starasta
Civic Engagement 3
Cooking 401
Leadership 3
Photography 3
"Sarah indicates lessons learned from
photography include realizing that sometimes things just don’t work
out, and looking at things in another light (whether figuratively or
metaphorically) are applicable in many areas of life. In cooking,
she learned to remember to plan ahead for tasks and that it is
satisfying to share with others."
Four Corner Clovers
Two members of the Four Corner Clovers submitted photos of their
projects. In addition two additional members participated in the
virtual exhibits.

Ryder Conrady
2019 Scramble Goat
“I had a lot of fun taking care of my goat,
Bella. I enjoyed feeding it every morning and taking it for walks.”
[to top of second column] |

Ellie Wrage
Meat Goat Showing
Animal Science: Science of Dog Food,
Visual Arts – Nature
"There was a lot I learned with my projects
this year, but what I will remember the most is my scramble goat,
Daisie, having her first kid (Basil) and all that it took to prepare
(and wait) for him to arrive. In my other projects I learned that it
takes planning and hard work to get them done on time."
Participants in the virtual exhibits from the Four Corner Clovers:
Jacob Lawrence
Market Wether
James Sewing
Meat Goat Doe 12-16 mo (3/2/19 - 7/1/19)
Prior Year 19 Scramble Goat
Woodworking 1
Reagan Titus
Chester White Barrow and Gilt
Four Corner Buddies Cloverbud 4-H Club
The cloverbud program is designed for those youngsters who are
officially a little too young to join 4-H. The programs are designed
to be age appropriate and get the youngsters initiated in to their
future 4-H careers.

From the Four Corner Buddies, who youngsters participated in the
virtual exhibits and also submitted photos of their projects.

Brantley Conrady
Egg Carton Farm Animals
“I painted and decorated egg cartons to look
like farm animals.” “I enjoyed recycling the egg cartons instead of
throwing them away.”

Olivia Wrage
Geode Display
"I learned that most geode rocks are round and
look plain on the outside, but if you crack them open and they are
hollow, they may have really neat crystals on the inside."
[Nila Smith with assistance from the
Logan County Extension Staff] |