Our first sleuth, Bob Fulk, figured it out on the
first day of the game, but he says it wasn’t an instant answer.
He did a little research and gave it a little thought. What gave
it away for Bob was not the photo LDN ran that day, but rather a
detail in the clue.
In the first day, LDN’s narrative noted that this might be a
little harder for folks to figure out, but at the same time
there were a number of people (about 250) who should recognize
it right away.

Bob picked up on that and wrote, “Had to put my
thinking cap on for a few hours and Googled populations in Logan
County and took a short ride!” When he arrived with his fiancée
Tammy Elam and dog Lovie, Bob posed for a picture by the rock
bird bath that had been featured in the day one clue.
Congrats Bob for your quick find!

Second on the list were Martha Simmons and her
friend Ken Gill. Martha says she loves a challenge and figuring
out these little puzzles is very enjoyable for her.
Martha figured out the puzzle based on the Wednesday clue and
wrote, “When I saw tonight's clue, I thought Chestnut. So
instead of going on vacation to the four corner national
monument we took a little trip to Chestnut. After all, Chestnut
claims to be the geographical center of Illinois. The monument
has the words “pride in the past and faith in the future”
written on it. I hope more individuals would challenge
themselves to explore our county and share their adventures
playing Eye Spy. Thanks again for the eye spy challenge.”
Thank you Martha for finding our game fun and interesting. Our
goal is to bring to light the many interesting places in the
county and encourage readers to go see them first hand.
With Bob coming in first and Martha second, we are also going to
throw out another ‘honorable mention’ this week to Michelle
Hagenbuch. Some will recognize Michelle as Moochelle’s Day Care.
We’re going to give her a break because she spends her days
tending to our precious little ones, and we can imagine that
when evening comes she’s ready to put her feet up and read
Lincoln Daily News before turning in for the night.
However, she did recognize the location and sent us a note
telling us we were in Chestnut. She said she knew this because
she used to live there, and was quite familiar with the
community and the monument park.
For those of you who may have read, but didn’t take the
challenge of figuring it all out, today’s edition will feature a
story about Chestnut and how it came to be known as the
geographical center of Illinois. We hope you will give it a read
as it is a fun and interesting story.
And finally, we urge you all to think about this final statement
made by Martha, “What a great way to discover or rediscover
Logan County’s history.”
LDN challenges you all to try to beat her and Bob on the next

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