Dud sat quietly this morning at the daily meeting
of the World Dilemma Think Tank … that’s Dud and the guys, of
Herb had brought some new jokes with him as a way of pumping new
adrenaline into our winter conversational doldrums. They weren’t all
THAT good, but we all laughed, and Dud smiled a little.
“You’re quiet this morning, Dud,” said Steve. “Everything okay?”
“Oh sure,” he said, smiling. “Just wondering about what goes on in a
guy’s mind when he’s on special assignment.”
“You’re on special assignment for who now?”

“Not me, Doc,” Dud said. “I was just wondering what thoughts a man
might have if he volunteered to be a truck driver on special
assignment in eastern Europe.”
Ahhhh….. the book again. The oft-rewritten, oft-rejected novel.
“That’s right. So what would make a guy take his 18 wheeler to
somewhere Dracula used to live and drive it around on government
orders until the assignment is complete?” [to top of second
column] |

“What’s the assignment?”
“I don’t know yet. The truck driver is still waiting for his
assignment to come through.”
“So …” Doc tries to be kind
…”the truck driver takes his own 18-wheeler to eastern Europe and
drives around with an old girlfriend who happens to be a duchess and
lives in a castle, but he doesn’t know why he’s there?”
“Well … pretty much. Sounds strange when you put it like that.”
“In this book you’re writing,” Steve asked, “is the government
buying the diesel for him to drive around?”
“Haven’t worked that out yet, either, Steve.”
Writing a book can be a real chore.
[Text from file received from
Slim Randles]
Brought to you by our radio show, “Home Country with Slim Randles.”
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