For years, Illinois politicians have been on the honor system
when it comes to dealing with conflicts of interest. But a new bill filed by
state Rep. Carol Ammons, D-Urbana – House Bill 4041 – would hold lawmakers
accountable by requiring them to disclose conflicts with a particular bill and
to recuse themselves from voting on that bill.
Since former state Rep. Luis Arroyo was charged with bribery related to his
lobbying business, Illinois state and local lawmakers have increasingly begun to
recognize the need to prevent and punish lawmakers operating under blatant
conflicts of interest. Developments include:
Illinois House Speaker Mike Madigan acknowledged he did not
know why it was not already illegal for lawmakers to also lobby.
The Chicago City Council recently banned state lawmakers
from lobbying the city government.
State Sen. Heather Steans, D-Chicago, filed Senate Bill
2314 to end the revolving door from lawmaker to lobbyist, requiring a
two-year cooling off period before a former lawmaker can be employed as a
Lobbying by current and newly retired lawmakers is not the only
source of conflicts of interest. Other forms of employment, ownership and
investments also have the potential to pose a conflict if a bill in the General
Assembly substantially affects those specific interests.

Illinois is ranked as the second-most corrupt state in the country. Still, the
state lets lawmakers decide for themselves whether they have conflicts of
interest and gives them discretion whether to disclose those conflicts or recuse
themselves from voting. If a lawmaker has a personal, family or client
legislative interest in a measure, under current Illinois law he or she should
“consider the possibility of removing the interest creating the conflict
situation.” If the lawmaker determines that is not feasible, he or she should
“consider the possibility of abstaining” from the official action. Furthermore,
“if he does abstain, he should disclose that fact to his respective legislative
Politicians are essentially on the honor system for revealing conflicts
regarding specific bills and recusing themselves from a self-interested vote.
And while Illinois does require lawmakers to file general financial disclosure
statements, the requirements don’t require a lawmaker to declare when he or she
faces a conflict of interest before taking a vote.
By contrast, 26 states require all members of the legislature to disclose
conflicts of interest for each measure where such a conflict arises. And 27
states prohibit all members of the legislature from voting at all in the case of
a conflict.
At least 36 states have constitutional, statutory, or parliamentary provisions
that require lawmakers to either disclose their conflict of interest for each
measure where such a conflict arises, or to recuse themselves from voting on the
matter, according to Illinois Policy Institute research. Several states impose
penalties, and even criminal sanctions, for violating these requirements.
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top of second column] |

For example, Arizona requires that lawmakers both disclose a conflict of
interest before voting and refrain from voting where there is a conflict. It has
one of the harshest penalties: Intentional violation of this requirement is a
Class 6 felony punishable by up to 1.5 years in prison.
Meanwhile, Illinois has no penalty for lawmakers who vote on a measure in which
they have a conflict of interest.
A review of the transcripts from the 100th General Assembly shows at least 15
cases in which lawmakers explicitly disclosed they had potential conflicts
before voting “present” on a bill. And because there is no requirement, voters
could be forgiven for wondering how many times their lawmakers failed to
disclose they had a private financial interest in a piece of legislation, much
less cast a vote on one.
HB 4041 would change that. The bill requires a member of the General Assembly to
declare a conflict of interest before taking any official action and request
recusal from voting on a matter if three conditions are met:
1) the lawmaker or a member of the lawmaker’s immediate family has a financial
interest in a business, investment, real property, lease or other enterprise,
2) the interest is substantial, and
3) the effect on that interest of the action to be voted upon is greater than
the effect on the general public of the state.
HB 4041 defines an interest as “substantial” if it meets or exceeds thresholds
for lawmaker financial disclosure that are already part of Illinois law.
Those thresholds include but are not limited to:
Income in excess of $1,200 in the preceding
calendar year from any professional organization or individual
professional practice in which the lawmaker is an officer,
director, associate, partner or proprietor
Fees exceeding $5,000 in the preceding calendar
year for professional services
Capital gains exceeding $5,000 in the preceding
calendar year
Gifts exceeding $500 in the preceding calendar
Passing HB 4041 would bring Illinois in line with the majority of states. It
would establish and enforce requirements for lawmakers to disclose any conflicts
of interest with respect to specific bills and to recuse themselves from voting
on legislation where they have a conflict.

In most of the country, that is common sense. In Illinois, it would be a small
step toward restoring constituents’ faith in their Springfield representation.
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