Guests enjoy the variety of a Wild Card show

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[February 19, 2020]     Send a link to a friend  Share
Pictures by Curtis Fox

“Printed Circuit Paradox” features Pam Moriearty’s contradiction with her one-off painting of a circuit versus real circuits which are identical and produced by the millions. Her painting is one of the monotypes featured in the show. Stop in and see if you can find the others.



This spectacular painting was donated to the Lincoln Art Institute for a fundraiser. It is available for purchase. Contact Moses Pinkerton (217-651-8355) or Jason Hoffman (309-287-3744) for information about mounting it on a wall in your home.


“Jewelry and our African Ancestor” by Jeff Williams. Jeff now has his art in three galleries in the Midwest including The Lincoln Art Institute, the Cherokee Street Gallery in St. Louis where he is the featured artist, and The David Jones Gallery in Kansas City.

This stylish art patron is sporting the new Logan County Arts t-shirt with the logo designed by graphic artist Jeff Williams. It is available for purchase at the Lincoln Art Institute. Thank Mitch Douglas for his stylish draping of the “model.” The logo represents the gallery being on the square in downtown Lincoln.


Jeff Williams takes the viewer back to “When Newspapers Ruled and Unfriending was not a Thing”. Remember those much simpler times? Wait, that was only a few years ago.


The art show attracted visitors of all ages. Elias and mom Rebekah cruise the gallery enjoying all sorts of art.


A bitterly cold night could not stop art lovers in Lincoln from stopping by the LAI.


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