Finishing the night with a 3-0 records were:
65lb Zack Eckhardt,
70lb Seth Durbin,
75lb Camden Gariets,
80lb Cameron Bell,
85lb Miley Sampson,
95lb Giovanni Sundeen,
100lb Spencer Bean,
112lb Jacob Lawrence,
119lb Colbie Glenn,
135lb Dawson McConnell,
167lb Wyatt Mammen
185lb Tristan Barger.
Finishing with a 2-1 record were:
90lb Dominick Cummings,
105lb Grant Laubenstein,
126lb Carson McConnell,
145lb Payton Bunner
215lb Aubrey Litchenwalter.
Next up for the Trojans is the Saturday Tremont Invitational in
Tremont with wrestling starting at 9am.
[Alex Dawson]