Logan County Courthouse renovation
plans take shape
Fountain and playground equipment to get
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[July 13, 2020]
At the Building and Grounds Committee meeting Tuesday, July 7, the
committee heard updates from Bill Walter of Masonry Restoration
Technologies & Services, LLC.
The time has come where Walter rapidly needs to assemble the scope
of work and the basis for design as far as HVAC, computer control
system, security and related items.
Walter handed out a flow chart that shows the expected
organizational structure for the restoration project. It shows how
Walter sees the project being laid out and sets up a structure for
proper checks and balances. Additionally, it explains who will be
responsible for what areas and how the contact will happen between
the committees and various individuals.
The Logan County Board is at the top of the structure. They are
followed by the Building and Grounds Committee, which in turn will
work hand in hand with the Technical Committee. Building and Grounds
Committee Chairman David Blankenship is the contact point.
Blankenship will keep in close contact with Bill Walter, who is
acting as Project Manager/Design Professional. Walter will also be
working closely with the Technical Committee chaired by Blankenship
and the Construction Transition Committee, which will be put
together soon.

At the next level will be the Performance Contractor and
Construction Management.
The Performance Contractor will be working with energy items such as
HVAC, associated electric, LED lighting, windows and building
automation systems. These services will be needed to help secure
additional grants and incentives secured by MRTS and ESCO (Energy
Savings Contractor) professional(s) and will be 100 percent
Walter wants to bring the Performance Contractor professional on
board so the contractor can begin the basis for design and the
assembly of materials and vendors for approval from the technical
The Technical Committee would report back to the Buildings and
Grounds Committee and the full board. In most cases, Blankenship
said he would assume the Technical Committee would be looking at
more than one option for design and other areas, so the board can
choose from those options.
The Construction Management services will be bid out and will
include site improvements, building construction, external building
restoration, interior renovations, plumbing and electrical work.
Walter wants to have continuity with the performance contractor and
construction management.
Walter is working to assemble the scope of the work. Sometime In the
next couple of weeks, he will be meeting with Blankenship, engineers
and the Technical Committee.
As he meets with the others, Walter will start to disseminate
procedures, materials and systems.
Blankenship asked about whether the performance contractor they
choose would be working with local contractors.
Walter said he has emphasized that they need to work with
contractors, laborers and professional tradesmen from within a 25 to
50-mile radius.
The County Board would make the final decisions on contractors.
Blankenship said it is important to the board to keep workers as
local and regional as possible.
All the services will be bid out and Walter said the board would be
privy to all the responses, contractors and vetting information. The
Buildings and Grounds Committee would pare down what would be the
acceptable package.

Blankenship asked if construction manager risk was acceptable to the
other committee members. He said without that method, you lose a lot
of checks and balances.
Committee member Scott Schaffenacker said he is comfortable with the
flow chart. He asked who would be on the Technical Committee and
Transition Committee.
The Technical Committee will be made up of Walter, Blankenship and a
few others with experience with large projects. Blankenship has
already talked to a local person who has been a construction project
manager for over 20 years and overseen other large projects. He
plans to talk to a couple others with several years of experience
working with projects.
The Transition Committee has not been put together yet. This
committee will be made up of county employees will be taking care of
relocations, storage, IT and anything that keeps the customer
service portion of the courthouse going.
Walter will continue periodically meeting with these committees over
the upcoming months as restoration work begins.
The board will be discussing a potential performance contractor and
construction management at upcoming board meetings.
[to top of second column] |

Payment drop boxes
Drop boxes for payments to the Treasurer and County Clerk’s Offices will soon be
For the installation of the drop boxes at the courthouse, Walter has come up
with a design idea.
Part of the plan is to replace the current perimeter retaining wall approximate
to the sidewalk. At the expanded locations in front of each entrance, Walter
said the new retaining wall would turn and go towards the building about six
feet at a right angle.
The structure will include a footer, foundation and stone. Walter said the stone
and brick in this wall will match the rest of the courthouse exterior. Within
the six feet, Walter said they can decide which of the walls to utilize for the
two drop boxes and put them in the retaining wall.
Efforts are underway to incorporate the drop boxes into the restoration.
Walter will be providing periodic updates to the board throughout the
restoration process.
Update on Scully Park fountain
Last year, the board received a bid to fix the fountain in Scully Park, but
chose not to take action at that time. Blankenship said, over the years there
has been a lot of money spent on repairs to the fountain due to its design.
After looking the fountain over again more recently, Walter has come with a plan
for the fountain. Walter is looking at using a direct current (DC) motor, which
he said is better. He said all electric and plumbing will need to be removed and
installed new. LED and colored lights can be installed and operational costs
will be minimal.
Walter thinks a drain can be made in the existing concrete body of the fountain
and still maintain the historic look. He will make a list of options for the
spray from the fountain and that will determine the motor size and the number of
gallons per minute for the capacity. These would help determine the wiring
harness that would accompany the pump.

Blankenship asked whether the current piping and pump would be removed too. When
they drain the fountain each fall, Blankenship said, there would not be concerns
about the piping freezing. He asked Walter for a projection of costs.
Walter said the piping and would be removed. He expects demolition and
installation costs to be between $7,000 and $11,000. Blankenship said the
Building and Grounds Committee has some line items these funds could come out
of. Logan County Board Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Ruben is researching to
see where to take the funds from.
When they looked at costs for the fountain repairs last year, Blankenship said
it was thousands of dollars.
Logan County Board Insurance Administrator Brenda Clark asked if the Scully
Foundation could be contacted since they put the fountain in. She thought they
might have funds available to help with the project.
Both Blankenship and Walter said the fountain will be more modern and safer
after renovation. It will also require much less maintenance.
Blankenship asked for a spending limit.
Committee member David Hepler motioned to approve up to $11,000 for renovations
including any Scully Foundation funding.
The topic will be brought forward for more discussion at the board workshop
Thursday, July 16.
Playground equipment for Latham Park
Last summer, playground equipment at Latham Park was destroyed when a tree fell.
Clark said insurance sent out a check for $37,457 to replace the playground
equipment. After looking at various playground equipment, Clark said American
Parks Company seemed to be the most economical. They had both a special deal and
free shipping.
At the lower price, the county will be able to purchase two pieces of playground
equipment. The cost for both after insurance reimbursement would be $991.
Blankenship said the equipment will require concrete piers to be put in too.
The contractor may be able to assemble it.
With the install, Davenport said she thought the county portion may be more than
Hepler motioned to approve up to $40,000 for the two pieces of playground
equipment with the insurance reimbursement covering most of the costs.
[Angela Reiners] |