Effective immediately, eligible Illinois residents
and families can apply to receive assistance with food, rent,
utilities, temporary shelter, medicine and other essential household
services. To learn more about these expanded offerings and to fill
out new remote applications made live today, visit
“The work to build a state that serves all its people – no matter
who they are or what part of Illinois they call home – is more
important than ever as we seek to restore our economy while
continuing to prioritize our collective health,” said Governor JB
Pritzker. “This additional funding for our Low-Income Home Energy
Assistance Program and our Community Services Block Grant program
allows us to provide even more support for things like rent, food,
temporary shelter, utility bills and other essential services to
qualifying low-income households who need emergency assistance.
Under this $275 million program, 3.5 million Illinoisans are
eligible for hundreds of dollars in relief.”

With the passage of the State’s FY21 budget, an additional $90
million in federal CARES Act funding will be allocated for community
assistance programming, making way for a total $275 million
investment that will help families impacted by the crisis. To
provide additional relief for families in the face of COVID-19, the
Governor’s budget also increases the eligibility income threshold up
to 200 percent of federal poverty level.
“COVID 19 has not only resulted in an unprecedented global health
crisis, but it has also led to an extraordinary economic crisis as
well – causing many Illinois families to turn to safety net programs
like these,” said Acting Director of DCEO Michael Negron. “Governor
Pritzker’s investments to expand our LIHEAP and CSBG programs will
help many more income-eligible individuals and families impacted by
this crisis to get the help they need so they can get back on their
To connect Illinoisans with expanded program offerings, DCEO has
launched a new remote application process that will provide
applicants the option to begin the intake process online or over the
phone with the assistance of a live agent. The State’s new website
and call center will be accessible for all residents – with
assistance provided in English and Spanish, and other languages
assisted through translation. By eliminating the requirement to
apply in person, income-eligible applicants can swiftly proceed
through the application process from the safety of their own home.
Applicants will be served on a first-come, first-served basis until
funding is exhausted. In the coming weeks DCEO will partner with its
network of 35 statewide Community Action Agencies (CAAs) to conduct
outreach to high-need communities to let them know about this
critical funding available, and to inform them of easy steps they
can take to apply immediately.
“Crosswalk staff is excited to implement this new and innovative
system to assist our customers,” said Debra Jackanicz Executive
Director, Crosswalk Community Action Agency. “During these
unprecedented times, it is a must that we all think outside the box
to ensure that those affected by COVID-19 are assisted as quickly as
possible. Eliminating as much financial burden as possible and
restoring quality of life is the heart of Community Action Agency.”
[to top of second column] |

Qualifying participants could receive hundreds of
dollars in relief support. Last year, the average household
qualifying for LIHEAP received $600 in assistance. Expanded
eligibility for CSBG takes effect immediately. New LIHEAP
eligibility will come online at the end of July, residents can still
apply for 2020 programming through June 30.
“St. Clair County is committed to helping individuals and families
in crisis get the support they need with state assistance programs,”
said St. Clair County Board Chairman Mark Kern. “Our county, like
others around the state, continues to receive an extraordinary
number of applications for assistance as a result of this pandemic.
We thank Governor Pritzker for prioritizing the expansion of these
programs which will provide more resources for more families during
this time of need.”
To expedite application reviews, DCEO will work with
CAAs and local agencies to verify income and eligibility
documentation. Eligibility will be determined by a number of
factors, such as household size and the applicant’s ability to
verify documentation. While the State typically disburses community
assistance funds in a matter of weeks, turnaround time under the
expanded “Help Illinois Families” initiative may be extended due to
the volume of applications received.
Residents who believe they may be eligible are encouraged to visit
the website and follow easy steps to apply immediately. The State is
reminding applicants of the following documentation required for
applying, depending on type of assistance being sought:
Proof of employment (paystubs) for the head of the household
for the last 30 days.
Copy of current heat and electric bills issued within the
last 30 days (if they pay for their energy directly).
Copy of their rental agreement (if they are renting) showing
that utilities are not included, the monthly rental amount and
landlord contact information.
Proof of Social Security numbers for all household members.

“Older adults across Illinois have been hit especially hard by the
health and economic impacts of COVID-19,” said Bob Gallo, state
director for AARP Illinois. “On behalf of our 1.7 million members,
we commend state and community leaders for recognizing the need to
provide a crucial safety net to older adults, so that they can worry
a little less about falling behind on utility, rent and other
essential expenses and continue to focus on their health and
DCEO’s Office of Community Assistance manages three federal
programs; LIHEAP, CSBG and the Illinois Home Weatherization
Assistance Program (IHWAP). Last year alone, these programs served
more than 350,000 households, with CSBG providing more than 400,000
services and LIHEAP providing utility bill assistance to
approximately 250,000 households.
[Office of the Governor JB Pritzker] |