Logan County 4-H to offer Virtual
Exhibit opportunities
Entries should be submitted between July
10th and 24th
Results for Virtual Oral Communications event
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[July 22, 2020]
With the cancellation of both the Logan County
Fair and the Illinois State Fair, Logan County 4-H has moved to
“virtual exhibit opportunities” for its 4-H members this year.
University of Illinois Extension recently announced that all 4-H
general project and 4-H livestock shows and exhibitions scheduled
through August 31 will move online to a virtual exhibition platform
called FairEntry.
“4-H shows play a critical role in the 4-H model and
we wanted to avoid canceling them outright,” says Lisa Diaz,
Illinois Extension assistant dean and director of Illinois 4-H. “We
are confident that virtual exhibitions through FairEntry are the
best solution for allowing 4-H members to participate in this
important activity, even during the incredibly unusual circumstances
created by the current public health situation.”
“We know that many of our 4-H members and their families have felt
the loss of the in-person 4-H shows that are such an iconic part of
summertime in Illinois,” adds Diaz. “But early feedback from our
families who have participated in a virtual 4-H show already this
summer is that it’s still a great learning opportunity that provides
a showcase experience for 4-H members.”
4-H members upload photos or videos, and other materials for exhibit
to the virtual platform to demonstrate the skills and knowledge they
have gained while working on their projects. The system allows
judges to review each project and provide vital learning feedback
for exhibitors. The virtual system also allows judges to select
those that qualify for general project virtual exhibit at the state

Details on virtual exhibit opportunities and registration can be
found under the “4-H Shows” tab at the Logan 4-H page of our
edu/logan4h Logan
County 4-H members will be able to upload their project materials
from July 10-24, 2020.
[to top of second column] |

For further information on Logan County 4-H or
virtual exhibit opportunities contact Patty Huffer, Extension
Program Coordinator (phuffer@illinois.edu), Amy Hyde, Extension
Program Coordinator (amyhyde@illinois.edu) or Carissa Davis, Youth
Development Extension Educator (akpore@illinois.edu)
Oral Communications judging
Logan 4-H held a Virtual 4-H Oral Communications Exhibition
opportunity on July 2. Nine Logan County 4-H members participated by
uploading videos of their speeches – all were blue award winners.
Three youth videos were selected for advancement to state
competition including Molly Schempp (Formal Speech), Atlanta; Cavit
Schempp (Illustrated Speech), Atlanta; and Mary Carlock (Formal
Speech), Bloomington. Additional participants included Jamie Carlock,
Bloomington; Winton Carlock, Bloomington; Rosetta Catterson (2
speeches), Atlanta; Daniel Crider, Lincoln; Sophia Schneider, Mason
City; and Stephen Starasta, Lincoln.
Judges for the Virtual Oral Communications contest were Bethany
Rademaker, Lincoln and Emily Zelhart, Maroa, who both indicated they
were pleased to assist in making sure the show could still go on and
found virtual judging to be simple and enjoyable.
About 4-H: Illinois 4-H strives to help youth learn skills
for living. University of Illinois Extension provides 4-H programs
in every county in Illinois. Illinois 4-H aims to impact the lives
of 200,000 youth each year through sustained learning clubs and
groups and short-term programming.
[Patty Huffer
Extension Program Coordinator/4-H Youth Development] |