The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security
(CARES) Act was signed into law by President Trump on March 27,
2020. The CARES Act provides supplemental funding for programs
authorized by the Older Americans Act of 1965 and the Rehabilitation
Act of 1973, as amended by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity
Act of 2014. Through these programs, a network of community-based
organizations, such as Area Agencies on Aging, Centers for
Independent Living, senior centers, faith-based organizations, and
other non-profits provide a vast array of resources and services to
help older adults and people with disabilities stay healthy and live
independently in their communities across the United States.
The need for these services has increased as community measures to
slow transmission of COVID-19 have closed locations where many
people typically receive services and made it difficult for families
to assist loved ones who live alone. In addition, the adaptations
necessary to provide these services in the current environment have
increased costs to service providers.

“This nearly $1 billion in new funds will help communities support
older adults and people of all ages with disabilities in staying
healthy, safe, and independent during the COVID-19 pandemic,” said
HHS Secretary Alex Azar. “The new funding secured by President Trump
from Congress is a historic boost to programs that support community
living for all people, representing an increase of over 40 percent
in this year’s funding for ACL’s programs. The aging and disability
networks supported by these programs are delivering meals, ensuring
safe transitions home following hospitalizations, and providing
other essential services to older Americans and Americans with
disabilities during this challenging time, and HHS will continue
supporting these partners and the Americans they serve throughout
this crisis.”
The CARES Act funding to Illinois includes:
$7,355,200 for Home and Community Based Services (HCBS), which will
help greater numbers of older adults shelter in place to minimize
their exposure to COVID-19. These include personal care assistance,
help with household chores and grocery shopping, transportation to
essential services (such as grocery stores, banks, or doctors) when
necessary, and case management.
$17,652,480 for home-delivered meals for older adults. With this
funding, states can also expand “drive-through” or “grab-and-go"
meals for older adults who typically would participate in meal
programs at community centers and other locations that have been
closed due to social distancing measures.
$2,774,525 for Centers for Independent Living to provide direct and
immediate support and services to individuals with disabilities who
are experiencing disruptions to their independent, community-based
living due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Services will ensure
individuals with disabilities have the supports they need to safely
stay in their homes or return home after a hospitalization or
institutionalization during (and directly after) COVID-19.

$3,637,081 for the National Family Caregiver Support Program to
expand a range of services that help family and informal caregivers
provide support for their loved ones at home. These include
counseling, respite care, training, and connecting people to
[to top of second column] |
 $735,520 to support State Long-term Care Ombudsman
programs in providing consumer advocacy services for residents of
long-term care facilities across the country. Restrictions on
visitation have significantly increased demand for ombudsman
services, as families seek assistance in ensuring the well-being of
their loved ones. Ombudsman programs will seek to expand their
virtual presence to residents and their families, and continue to
promote the health, safety welfare, and rights of residents in the
context of COVID-19. This funding will give Ombudsman programs the
flexibility to hire additional staff and purchase additional
technology, associated hardware, and personal protective equipment
once in-person visits resume.
Additionally, $50 million for Aging and Disability
Resource Centers (ADRCs) will be divided among and distributed to
states and territories by the end of April. This allocation will
fund programs that both connect people at greatest risk to COVID-19
to services needed to practice social distancing and seek to
mitigate issues created by it, such as social isolation. ADRCs
across the country are reporting unprecedented demand for assistance
with applications for services, care coordination, services that
support people in returning home following hospitalization, and the
“Area Agencies on Aging, Centers for Independent Living, and other
community-based organizations are working hard to expand capacity to
meet the needs of older adults and people with disabilities during
this extraordinary time,” said ACL Administrator Lance Robertson.
“These additional funds will allow for an incredible response at the
state and local level to meet the needs of people who are facing
some of the greatest risks during the COVID-19 emergency.”

Nationwide, $905 million is being awarded today to states,
territories, and tribes for subsequent allocation to local service
providers. Grant amounts are determined based on the formulas
defined under the program authorizing statutes. The remaining $50
million for ADRCs will be awarded by the close of April.
Older adults who need assistance can contact the Eldercare Locator
to find services available in their community. The Eldercare Locator
toll-free number is 1-800-677-1116 or you can visit
People with disabilities can find their local Center for Independent
Living at
In addition, the Eldercare Locator can help people with disabilities
find their local Aging and Disability Resource Center.
For more information about COVID-19, please visit: coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html.
About the Administration for Community Living
The Administration for Community Living (ACL) was created around the
fundamental principle that older adults and people of all ages with
disabilities should be able to live where they choose, with the
people they choose, and with the ability to participate fully in
their communities.
By funding services and supports provided by networks of
community-based organizations, and with investments in research,
education, and innovation, ACL helps make this principle a reality
for millions of Americans. For more information about ACL’s
programs, please visit
[Administration for Community Living
Press Office] |