Bars and restaurants have been struggling since they were
shuttered on March 16 as part of social distancing and the response to COVID-19.
Many depend on specialized mixed drinks to boost their sales, but were unable to
sell cocktails because of Illinois’ restrictive liquor laws.
Under the new law, pre-mixed cocktails can be delivered either to a person’s
residence or through curbside pick-up at the bar by someone who is 21 years old
to another individual of legal age who is not already too intoxicated. The
drinks must be sealed and not accessible by the driver. Third-party delivery
services cannot deliver the cocktails. Previously, alcohol and mixers could be
sold only as a cocktail kit, and the purchasers would have to mix the drinks
The new law also delays late fees and license fees for liquor licenses.
Businesses that shut their doors because of the pandemic may also have their
liquor license automatically renewed and extended.
Alcohol sales are crucial for many bars and restaurants and help make up a
substantial portion of their sales. Under the stay-at-home order, businesses
have had to change their sales model to stay afloat while maneuvering smaller
profit margins.
[ to
top of second column] |

Jim Ebel, co-founder of Two Brothers Brewing in
Warrenville, Illinois, switched to producing and selling hand
sanitizer in the craft distillery portion of his business.
“At the distillery we have only one employee, but we’re able to use
our license to make hand sanitizer — it’s primarily ethanol, which
we can legally produce,” Ebel said. “The distillery is actually
floating our other companies right now. We’re able to keep the
lights on. Without it I don’t know where we’d be.”
Allowing cocktails to-go is an important step that
will free many bars and restaurants up to tap back into a vital
source of business, and help them survive the pandemic’s new normal.
Lowering restrictions allows entrepreneurs to provide creative
solutions in such uncertain times – and Illinois lawmakers are
noticing that burdensome regulation often stands in the way of small
businesses trying to make ends meet.
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