Proposals for Illinois are requested by June 1,
2020, to ensure all necessary actions are taken by the national
deadline of June 19, 2020.
SAFE practices must be used to restore animal habitats for the
following categories:
rare, threatened and endangered species
species that have suffered a significant population decline
species that provide significant social or economic value to
the community.
SAFE grass and tree practices were moved to the
Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) General Signup in 2019 and
competed against other offers, while buffer and wetland
practices remain under continuous CRP signup.
When submitted, proposals must include an overview of the
project accomplishments, a list of all practices planned, the
commitment of the state and participants and the planned
outreach efforts.
For more information about SAFE and submitting a proposal,
contact the Illinois FSA state office at (217)241-6600 Ext 2.
[USDA Farm Service Agency]