Community Action provides financial assistance to Logan County residents via new Disaster Relief Unit

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[June 16, 2020]     Community Action Partnership of Central Illinois has added a new program temporarily to their portfolio of services. The Disaster Relief Unit (DRU) is funded by the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) to assist persons directly affected by COVID-19.

The Community Foundation of Lincoln Land has also financially contributed to DRU giving them the ability to make a larger impact.

DRU will run through September 2021, providing support services during and following the COVID-19 pandemic. Support Services will include expansion of their Food Pantry Co-op, rental & mortgage assistance, and additional utility assistance. These services will be available in all six counties in their service area.

Marilyn Altman of Logan County and manager of Lincoln Family Theatre & Community Center received rental assistance after the theatre was forced to close as a non-essential business in March. The theatre was her only source of income. “COVID-19 has had an impact on all of us. For me, it has been mostly financial. Stepping out of my comfort zone to go to the food bank at my church was a humbling experience.  I’ve always been blessed to be able to help others but now I was the one that needed help. CAPCIL has helped me financial and given me the chance to continue to help others through volunteer opportunities. The support and assistance I have received has been an enormous blessing. I’m thankful for the help and grateful for the part that CAPCIL plays in our community.” said Altman.

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Andrew Mort is the sole provider of a four-person multi-generation household in Menard County. His employer was forced to discontinue business during the “shelter in place” order and Andrew was furloughed. He was eligible to receive rental assistance through CAPCIL’s Disaster Relief Unit to help him cover expenses until he was able to go back to work. Thank you to the Community Foundation of Lincoln Land for making these two contributions possible.

If you have been directly affected by COVID-19 and need assistance, please contact us for eligibility by calling CAPCIL’s Corporate Office at 217-732-2159.

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It is the mission of CAPCIL, in partnership with communities in our service area, to empower persons with low income and the aged by creating and implementing poverty-fighting initiatives for those in crisis and those that endeavor a life of lasting independence.


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