Church Announcements

Area Church Events & News

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The public is invited to Camp Griesheim's Annual Meeting to be held on Sunday, September 15 at 5 p.m. in their main facility in Atlanta, Illinois.  Refreshments and fellowship will follow the meeting.

St. John UCC to host Christian Carnival on Sunday
St. John UCC to host Christian Carnival on Sunday
St. John UCC to host Christian Carnival on Sunday
St. John UCC to host Christian Carnival on Sunday
St. John United Church of Christ in Lincoln is sponsoring a Christian Carnival on Sunday from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. The activities will be on the church's parking lot, at the corner of Eighth and Maple streets.

The public is invited. All ages are welcome to join in the games, snacks, songs, stories and more fun -- and win prizes, too -- all for free.

For answers to questions about the event, call the church office, 732-6957.

The carnival is sponsored by the St. John Christian Education Ministry.

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- See more at:



3rd Saturday Meal
SPONSOR: Logan County Love
WHO: Open to everyone
DETAILS: Logan County Love will once again provide a free meal to anyone wishing to join. If you are interested, please stop by and introduce yourself as the group would love to see everyone in the community. Come hungry and leave fulfilled. For this month, the meal will include chicken and noodles. If you are unable to drive but would like a meal, call the church, 217-732-6957, between 5 and 6 pm.
WHERE: St. John UCC, corner of Seventh and Maple
WHEN: 5-6:30 pm - See more at:

3rd Saturday Meal
SPONSOR: Logan County Love
WHO: Open to everyone
DETAILS: Logan County Love will once again provide a free meal to anyone wishing to join. If you are interested, please stop by and introduce yourself as the group would love to see everyone in the community. Come hungry and leave fulfilled. For this month, the meal will include chicken and noodles. If you are unable to drive but would like a meal, call the church, 217-732-6957, between 5 and 6 pm.
WHERE: St. John UCC, corner of Seventh and Maple
WHEN: 5-6:30 pm


- See more at:











204 N. McLean St.

TUA-Y-C-EBF coming MARCH 14

Mark your calendar -The Ultimate All-You-Can-Eat Breakfast Fundraiser is Saturday, March 14! All proceeds benefit Good News and HeartSong as we raise funds for our annual ministry tours.
The TUA-Y-C-EBF menu includes: pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits, gravy, and fried potatoes. Carry-out is available (but not if you have eaten in). Get your tickets from any Good News or HeartSong student or in the church office from February 16 to March 8.
Each student has tour fees to participate in tour for Good News or HeartSong. All proceeds from tickets purchased from a student will go directly to that student’s tour fee. Any tickets sold in the church office or at the door will go to help support additional tour expenses. Tell a friend or two or ten or twenty! Good News and HeartSong appreciate your continued support of our ministry as we prepare to take the Good News of Jesus out on the road on tour.
Good News is heading southeast to Florida on tour June 2–9. Good News’ home concert is Monday, June 1 at 7:00 p.m. HeartSong will be on tour April 24–26. HeartSong’s home concert is Sunday, April 26 at 4:00 p.m.


204 N. McLean St.


2020 Spring for Tea Tickets

Tickets for the Harvest of Talents Spring Tea will be made available in the Church Office beginning February 1. The Tea is Saturday, April 4. Tickets are $25 with all proceeds going to feed hungry and hurting people around the world.


204 N. McLean St.


MARCH KIDS WORSHIP at Lincoln Christian Church Epic Adventures—Genesis
Becoming the people God desires us to be isn’t always easy! We need nudged, corrected and loved along the way! In March kids will discover through the biblical accounts of creation, the fall, and the lives of Noah and Abraham what the Bible says about being holy. Our key verse is Leviticus 9:1, ”Be holy.” Through this series our goal is to help kids discover from the Bible how they can be shaped to be the person God wants them to be every day!
March Series Titles:

•“God Creates People in His Image” (We’re God’s perfect creation). Genesis 1.

•“God Sends Adam and Eve From the Garden”(God is perfect and holy). Genesis 3:6–24.

•“God Tells Noah to Build the Ark” (God tells us to obey Him). Genesis 6:5–7:5.

•“God Tests Abraham” (God is pleased when we trust him). Genesis 22:1–18.


Easter Services



Lent Reconciliation Service
7:00 pm, Tuesday, March 31 Reconciliation Service for all four parishes at Holy Family Church

Weekly Confessions
Holy Family Church, Lincoln, each Tuesday from 4:30-4:55 pm and each Saturday from 2:45-3:30 pm
St. Patrick’s Church, Elkhart, prior to 8 am Sunday Mass
St. Mary’s Church, Atlanta, prior to 8:30 am Sunday Mass
St. Thomas Aquinas, Mt. Pulaski, prior to 10 am Sunday Mass

Lenten Weekday/Weekend Masses & Services
Monday- 7:00 am Mass @ Holy Family
Tuesday- 5:00 pm Mass with Novena & Stations of the Cross following @ Holy Family
6:00 pm Stations of the Cross @ St. Mary’s
Wednesday- 7:00 am Mass @ Holy Family
8:30 am Mass @ Holy Family with Stations of the Cross following
6:00 pm Stations of the Cross @ St. Thomas Aquinas
Thursday- 7:00 am Mass @ Holy Family
12 Noon Rosary @ Holy Family
2-5:30 pm Adoration @ Holy Family
5:30 pm Divine Mercy Chaplet with Benediction @ Holy Family
Friday- 7:00 am Mass @ Holy Family
5:30 pm Stations of the Cross @ St. Patrick’s
6:00 pm Stations of the Cross @ Holy Family
Saturday- 4:00 pm Mass @ Holy Family
Sunday- 8:00 am Mass @ St. Patrick’s
8:30 am Mass @ St. Mary’s
10:00 am Mass @ Holy Family
10:00 am Mass @ St. Thomas Aquinas

Holy Thursday, April 9
7:00 pm Mass of The Lord’s Supper followed by Eucharistic Adoration till 9 pm @ Holy Family
Good Friday, April 10
3:00 pm Shadow Stations (by the ACT students @ Holy Family)
7:00 pm Prayer at the Cross-Traditional Good Friday Service @ Holy Family
Holy Saturday, April 11
(No Confessions today)
7:00 pm Easter Vigil Mass @ Holy Family
Easter Sunday, April 12
8:00 am Mass @ Holy Family
8:00 am Mass @ St. Patrick’s
8:30 am Mass @ St. Mary’s
10:00 am Mass @ Holy Family
10:00 am Mass @ St. Thomas Aquinas



204 Seventh Street, Lincoln


Invites the public to join them in the observance of Lent – the 40 days preceding Easter in observance of the 40 days Jesus the Christ fasted in the wilderness. A centuries old tradition in not only the Christian Church but also the Roman Catholic, Anglican and Episcopal faith communities – will be celebrated at St. John UCC in a more modern than traditional manner. Utilizing a motto of the church “Our faith may be a thousand years old – our thinking is not”, all services will be less formal but spiritual.
Lent will begin on Ash Wednesday, February 26th with several Mini Services to facilitate various life and work schedules. Three services will be offered: at 8:30-8:45 a.m., 12:30-12:45 p.m. and final one at 6:15-6:30 p.m. all in the sanctuary of St. John UCC 204 7th Street, Lincoln. During each service the imposition of ashes will be offered. The church and the sanctuary are handicapped accessible.
Every Wednesday following will feature a message via a skit from a series this one set in a bakery/ A ‘bring your own brown bag supper’ will be from 5:15 to 6:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall of the church. The Lenten Series Skit “Half-Baked Lent”. will be held at 6:00 to 6:25 p.m. followed by a time of fellowship.
The themes are:
March 04 “Promises, Promises:
March 11 “The Birthday Cake”
March 18 “The Case of the Missing Donut”
March 25 “Moldy Bread”
April 01 “Easter Breakfast”

Palm Sunday will be observed on Sunday April 05 with communion and the presentation of the Palms.
On Sunday, April 12 Easter will be observed, communion will be served. The sermon theme is: “See what love can do and dare”.
St. John United Church of Christ practices Open Communion and is open to all who attend. Pastor Laurie Hill and the St. John UCC church family welcome all to experience this Lenten and Easter season together.


204 N. McLean St.

Good News and HeartSong!

Open enrollment thru January Good News, for 9th–12th grade students and HeartSong for 5th–8th grade students.    If you would like more information on either group, please contact Laurin Hill at 217.732.7618 or

Good News meets each Sunday from 5:00–6:00 p.m. and HeartSong meets from 6:00–7:00 p.m. each Sunday. Now is the time to invite your friends to join us for our upcoming tours! HeartSong tour is April 24–26, 2020 with our home concert Sunday afternoon, April 26, at 4:00 p.m. Good News’ home concert is Monday, June 1, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. with tour from June 2–9, 2020, touring the southeast to Orlando and back.


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