First, the earliest plant date for soybeans was
moved from April 20 to April 15 for the central parts of
Illinois to reflect changing agronomics. This change doesn’t
affect when producers can plant soybeans, as the policy does not
restrict how early producers plant. However, soybeans planted
prior to the earliest plant date are not eligible for replant
Another date change benefits soybean producers who plant
Following Another Crop (FAC), or double crop soybeans. The final
planting date for FAC soybeans was June 20, the same as first
crop or Not Following Anther Crop (NFAC) soybeans. For 2020, the
final planting date has been moved to July 5 to be better
correlate with the planting of FAC soybeans that typically
follows wheat.
Finally, soybean and grain sorghum producers are now able to
insure their NFAC and FAC crops with separate enterprise units
or optional units in counties where both practices are
“We continually listen to producers and other stakeholders in
developing our crop insurance policies, and we make adjustments
to these policies when necessary,” said RMA Administrator Martin
Barbre. “With these changes, we believe grain sorghum and
soybean producers will have more flexibility.”
These changes are important because they:
•Allow producers to better manage the unique risks of each
practice by having separate FAC and NFAC units.
•Producers may now be indemnified independently by FAC and NFAC
units. A gain on one of the cropping practices will not be
offset by the loss on the other cropping practice.
Crop insurance is sold and delivered solely through private crop
insurance agents. A list of crop insurance agents is available
at all USDA Service Centers and online at the RMA Agent Locator.
Learn more about crop insurance and the modern farm safety net
[USDA FPAC-RMA, Springfield]