am currently the Chief Deputy Circuit Clerk. My duties entail being
the in-courtroom clerk for both the Circuit and Associate judges and
processing of all court cases in both civil and criminal divisions.
I am often called upon to resolve procedural questions from other
circuit clerks within the state. I have trained and worked with
state and local agencies; including law enforcement, Secretary of
State, IL Department of Corrections, Center for Youth and Family
Solutions, Department of Children Family Services, State of IL
Comptroller, and practicing attorneys. My other duties include
recording case dispositions, court orders, and the management of all
accounts in collections.Some of my training
includes the areas of the American Disability Act as the Court
Disability Coordinator, Criminal Traffic Assessment Act, Cannabis
Regulation & Tax Act, Supreme Court Commission on Access to Justice,
Supreme Court and Appellate Court Rules for eFiling, Human Resource
Policies and FMLA.

What strengths would you bring to the office?
My main strengths are proven experience, insight, and a smooth
transition stepping into the role of Circuit Clerk. I began my
career in the office Dec. 1, 2010. I am the Chief Deputy Circuit
Clerk to Mary Kelley, our current Circuit Clerk. I have attended
many conferences, trainings, zone meetings, and circuit meetings.
I have been a part of the pilot programs regarding electronic filing
of records, fee structures, and research Illinois since its
inception. When the clerk is out of the office I am in charge of the
overall office operation. I work closely with our Courts as a
courtroom clerk, many state and local agencies, and other offices in
the courthouse. I am the direct contact with our collection agencies
as we continue to use these resources to collect unpaid fines and
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My insight for the office is experience and
continuing education regarding statutes set by the Supreme Court.
Continuing with the paperless process while maintaining secure media
of the court records and further archiving of older records. I will
continue to be fiscally responsible with the county budget and build
upon communication within the office as a public servant.
This will be a smooth transition for both the office and the people
of Logan County as I have working experience in this office working
closely with the other deputy clerks. I have earned the confidence
of my co-workers, judiciary, local and state agencies, attorneys,
and the constituents as a leader in the office. I have the ability
to cover where needed in the office operation and knowledgeable of
other circuit court resources.
How would you keep the Circuit Clerk's Office the same or what
changes would you make for greater efficiency, less costs, better
This office runs under the rules of the Illinois Supreme Court. As
new laws are initiated we will continue to be early implementers in
the ever-changing judicial system. As paperless filing continues to
progress I will continue to be a part of the configuration groups
using my hands-on-experience in the circuit clerk’s office.
Electronic filing has begun eliminating file folders which has cut
down on the office expense, opening up storage space, and allows the
parties to view their case documents online. Research Illinois is
still in the testing phase, and when it is ready for the general
public to use, we are ready to assist. I will continue to hold this
office to the highest integrity, respect, and loyalty for the
citizens of Logan County.
Kelly Elias,
Republican Candidate for Circuit Clerk