Well, it’s March again … the windy month. And here
in Home Country we have our very own variety that blows in to have
coffee with us every now and then. Windy Wilson, of course.
His takes on the human condition, and history, and darn near
everything else lack only accuracy. The entertainment and color are
always there, and we’re always glad to see the old camp cook and
“Boys,” said Windy, “I guess you all figgered out what’s comin’ up
here real soon. Yessir, it’s the Ideas of March. Comes ever March
15, and it’s an annual versary of the snuffin’ out of one a-them
famous Romans. Julius Caesar. The boys at the farm took turns
stabbin’ him ‘til he stopped givin’ speeches.

“But the good part about them Ideas of March is, you ain’t got to do
nothin’ about it. You don’t have to sing songs or gather ‘round the
campfire or buy presents fer yer brother or nothin’. I mean, you can
jest sit back on yer own sacrolibriums and conjugate adverbs or
watch teevee and pick scabs off the neighbor’s dog. [to top of second
column] |

“Now this was them days when
Roman guys was a-runnin’ all over conquerin’ stuff ‘cuz they already
had their irrigation ditches in and had planted the alfalfa. And ol’
Julius Caesar, well he got real famous for bein’ the head conquerer.
To this day, he was so famous his face is on gold coins in old dead
boats on the bottom of the ocean. And a-course, you know they named
a food after him. Yes they did. Thass right. We all heard of Orange
Julius. Boy if I had a orange drink named for me, I b’lieve I’d open
a coffee shop and call it the “Et tu Buffet.
“And you can tell ‘em I said so.
[Text from file received from
Slim Randles]

Ol' Jimmy Dollar
is Slim Randles' first children's book. The book is for kids
K-3rd grades and is even better when parents read it with children.
Ol' Jimmy Dollar makes for sweet dreams and if you have a dog
even better. Available now on Amazon. |