University of Illinois Plant Clinic still open for business

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[April 30, 2020]    The University of Illinois Plant Clinic remains open to identify plant pests and diseases. New guidelines are in place to comply with all university of state guidelines related to COVID-19.

To send samples through the mail, use USPS and email the tracking number to the clinic. Since UPS or FedEx are no longer delivering to campus, if you must use their services, email the tracking number to the clinic, says Diane Plewa, plant clinic director. Staff will pick it up at the mailing location.

A drop off box is located at the south doors of Turner Hall on the U of I campus in Urbana for local residents. A submission form is available at the box and required for all samples.

All samples must include a submission form.

For plant and insect samples, use the diagnostic sample form. For soil samples, use the nematology form, and for herbicide resistance and Palmer amaranth identification, use the molecular services form, Plewa says.

One may call the clinic at 217-333-0519 and leave a message for a follow-up call. Email correspondence is preferred.

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"The clinic is making every attempt to process samples in a timely manner," Plewa says. "With the fluid situation, Illinois SCN type and HG type assays are on hold. Samples can still be submitted and will be stored until they can be processed."

The Plant Clinic does plant and insect identification, diagnosis of disease, insect, weed and chemical injury (chemical injury on field crops only), nematode assays, and help with nutrient related problems, as well as recommendations involving these diagnoses.

[Richard Hentschel, Horticulture Educator, University of Illinois Extension]


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