Heartland Community College athletics programs
have been restricted from competition and practice due to the
COVID-19 pandemic. But, this restriction has not stopped Hawk
student athletes from staying engaged with the community.
Heartland athletes are teaming up with the Boys and Girls Club
of Bloomington-Normal through social media to help local youth
stay active while schools and recreation facilities are closed.
“Coaches from our athletics programs reached out to the Boys and
Girls Club to see what needs they might have during the
shelter-in-place order,” said Heartland Volleyball Head Coach
Mary Frahm. “That’s when they made us aware of the Virtual Club
Experience they have started in light of the COVID shut downs.
When we opened this up to the athletics department all coaches
and teams wanted to be involved.”
The Virtual Club Experience provides an outlet for BGA club
members to keep active and involved while schools aren’t in
regular session. Athletes from the Hawks Baseball, Softball,
Soccer, and Volleyball teams have all created short two-minute
videos of a player teaching a skill in their respective sport to
share with the Boys and Girls Club. All of these videos were
filmed and edited by student athletes.
“I am very proud to serve alongside athletes and coaches that
think of others before themselves, especially after losing a
season they worked so hard for," said Athletics Director Ryan
Knox. “If challenges reveal character, our coaches and athletes
can teach us all what that looks like.”
The Heartland Virtual Club videos can be viewed on the
and Girls Club Facebook page.
[Steve Fast
Director, Public Information
Heartland Community College]