Heartland’s Joe McCauley Gallery presents
mother•land, an exhibit of still images by Monica Estabrook
presented online at
www.heartland.edu/artGallery began April 26.
Originally scheduled for presentation on Heartland’s campus,
mother•land, will now be viewable virtually, via digital images,
videos, and accompanied by poetry written local students.
Estabrook describes her color prints in mother•land as anti-sublime
landscapes. Photographed while on family camping trips with “the
kids in tow, time constrained by the needs of others”, she frames
“brief, disrupted encounters with the landscape.”

Featuring the Grand Canyon, Death Valley Basin, Petrified Forest,
Sequoia National Forest, Big Sur, and other popular, scenic
locations, Estabrook’s photographs purposely subvert sublime
landscape conventions to express “that feeling of squeezing in
suppressed passions that end up being overpowered by the necessity
to rear children and provide for the family.”
Poems by Bloomington High School and Heartland
students supplement mother•land, whose selection was facilitated by
creative writing faculty, Scott Adam, HCC, and Scott Foley, BHS.
Both the poems and Estabrook’s exhibition celebrate the final week
of National Poetry Month, April 2020, and the educational and
artistic partnership between HCC and BHS.
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This program is partially supported by a grant from the Illinois
Arts Council, a state agency.
About the Artist
Monica Estabrook teaches art, photography and advanced studio courses at
Bloomington High School. Much of her professional work is teaching youth how to
present their work in galleries and manage a creative career. As a conceptual
artist, Monica explores themes in gender equality and teenage identity. She was
awarded an individual artist support grant from the Illinois Arts Council for
printing the works in mother•land. She holds a Master of Fine Arts degree in
photography from Southern Illinois University, a Bachelor of Arts in art history
and Master of Arts in teaching from the University of South Carolina.
About the Joe McCauley Gallery
Exhibits at Heartland’s Joe McCauley Gallery are free. The Gallery, located in
the Instructional Commons Building on Heartland's Normal campus, is temporarily
closed to walk-ins due to the COVID-19 operational restrictions.
[Steve Fast
Director, Public Information
Heartland Community College]