The National Weather Service is forecasting
a chance of rain for several days beginning mid-week through the
weekend. The forecast serves as a good reminder that anywhere it
rains, it can flood.
“It is important for residents to identify and react appropriately
to flood situations that may put them at risk,” said IEMA Director
Alicia Tate-Nadeau. “Those living in low-lying areas and along
rivers and streams should maintain awareness as we head into this
weekend and next as the forecasted rainfall could cause some rises
along rivers and ponding in low-lying areas.”
Flood preparedness tips include:
TURN AROUND, DON’T DROWN: Don’t walk or drive into flooded
areas. Most flood-related fatalities involve people in vehicles
attempting to drive through a road covered with water. The speed and
depth of the water is not always obvious, and as little as two feet
of rushing water can sweep away most vehicles, including trucks and
STAY INFORMED: This forecast is a good reminder that people
should always have multiple ways to receive notifications and
updated information about severe weather warnings, such as through a
NOAA weather alert radio, Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA), weather
alert apps, TV and radio broadcasts, the Internet, outdoor warning
sirens and more.
EMERGENCY KIT: In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, a few new
items should be included in your emergency supply kit, including
face coverings for every member of your family (over the age of 2),
hand sanitizer, and disinfectant wipes. Other items to include in a
basic emergency supply kit are: water, food, NOAA weather radio,
flashlight, batteries, phone charger, and prescription medications.
A complete list can be found online at
Simple instructions on how to make your own face covering can be
found here.

 [to top of second
column] |

CHECK YOUR INSURANCE COVERAGE: A flood insurance policy could protect you
from the devastating expenses caused by flooding. Standard homeowners’ insurance
does not cover flood damage. A flood policy takes 30 days to go into effect from
application to payment, so taking action before a storm is recommended. The
National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) protects policyholders financially even
if they live in an area that did not qualify for federal disaster assistance. In
fact, statistics show, insured survivors are able to recover quicker and more
fully from a flood or other catastrophic event than their uninsured neighbors.

REDUCE FLOODING RISKS: There are several DIY projects that can be done
today to prepare your home for an increase in precipitation. Make sure your sump
pump is working. Then, install a battery-operated backup in case of power
failure. Clear debris from gutters and downspouts.
PREPARE YOUR FAMILY: Your family may not be together if a disaster
strikes, so it is important to know which types of disasters could affect your
area, and know how you will contact one another and reconnect if separated.
Develop a family emergency plan and review it with all family members. Visit for step-by-step instructions on how to prepare for,
survive and rebuild after any storm or emergency.
PLAN FOR PETS AND ANIMALS: Make a pet emergency preparedness plan. Many
shelters do not allow pets. Make plans now on what to do with your pets if you
are required to evacuate your residence.
IEMA offers disaster preparedness information on the Ready Illinois website (,
a one-stop resource for detailed information about what to do before, during and
after disasters. To help Illinois residents prepare for severe weather season,
IEMA and the NWS developed a Severe Weather Preparedness Guide that covers
flooding, severe weather terms and tips for staying safe. The guide is available
on the Ready Illinois website.
[Illinois Office of Communication and
Information] |