“We formed the Young Conservatives of
Logan County in July as a way to bring more young people into
politics and the voting process. Our first organizational meeting is
planned for November 19,” said founding member Kate Wright.

Founding members of the newly formed
Young Conservatives of Logan County (L to R) Kate Wright, Kim Coers
and David Sanders. Their goal is to attract more young people into
politics. The group plans its first organizational meeting November
19. Wright, along with
co-founders Kim Coers and David Sanders want to provide the
education necessary to bring their main demographic ages 18 to 40
into Logan County politics. “Our focus is citizens 18 to 40, but we
welcome all who want to join, regardless of age,” said Coers.
top of second column] |
 Speakers at the rally addressed the
many ways to vote in Logan County, the Logan County Fire Protection
District tax proposition, and the proposed progressive tax amendment
to the Illinois Constitution.

The newly formed Young Conservatives
of Logan County held a rally in Latham Park on Saturday afternoon.
The Young Conservatives were against the progressive
tax proposal. [Curtis Fox] |