Immanuel Lutheran Church in Lincoln addresses COVID-19

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[September 01, 2020]  God is with us. Nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. Pause … for … a … moment … simply to reflect on this truth.

Currently, the risk of COVID-19 is relatively low. As a congregation committed to the wellbeing of our neighbors as well as of members, we want to what we can to prolong this period of low risk. So, we are suspending our regular Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday worship gatherings through the rest of March, and we will decide later what our next steps will be for April.

This does not mean that we are suspending being God’s church. In the spirit of caring for those who are most at risk and vulnerable among us, we will give highest consideration to those most susceptible to health risks and to those who will feel isolated as a result of not coming together in worship.

Please remain connected to our church and our mission:

Pray for the church, the world, and all those in need.

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Keep an eye out for communications – e-mail, our website, our Facebook page. Pass along news and information.

Let the pastor know about members’ needs that you become aware of.

Continue your offerings. Actually, we are likely to need some of us to step up our giving as others of us lose income due to the effects of this pandemic on us and our community.

***At this point there will not be a Meet and Greet on March 29th, nor will there be a congregational meeting.



PHONE: 217-732-6777


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