Honor Flight canceled until September

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[September 01, 2020]  Above all else, we must protect those who protected us.

Due to the on-going national health emergency related to the COVID-19 virus, Land of Lincoln Honor Flight (LLHF) of Springfield, Illinois regrets to announce that the May 12, 2020 flight has also been postponed. This action was taken in consideration of the Centers for Disease Control’s advisory that citizens must avoid all non-essential air travel and undertake social distancing. The health and safety of our American heroes is of utmost concern for our organization and we believe this flight postponement is in the best interest of our Veterans.

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All veterans who were scheduled on the May 12th flight have been notified and will be offered the opportunity to participate on the September 22, 2020 Honor Flight.

This is an unprecedented and challenging time because of the uncertainties and risks associated with COVID-19. We value the health and safety of our veterans, their guardians and everyone who supports Land of Lincoln Honor Flight.

[Joan Bortolon]

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