Eye Spy, Week Six
Clue for Thursday, September 3rd


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[September 04, 2020]    Each day we will give you a new photo that zooms in on a particular place or thing.  The clue below and the photo above will lead you to a special place in our community.  Explore Logan County from a different perspective and see what YOU can spy with your little eye.  When you think you have found it, send us a "selfie" of your discovery.  Message us on facebook or send the pic to ldneditor@lincolndailynews.com.  Tell us where you are.  Include your name and the names of anyone else in the photo and be sure to tell us who is who! If you are correct, we'll publish your pic in Lincoln Daily News. 

Find more details here:  Come play “Eye Spy” with Lincoln Daily News



A pathway
to other destinations.

WEDNESDAY'S CLUE (Link to pic)

An historical occasion
in an empty lot.

TUESDAY'S CLUE (Link to pic)

Three stones,
but not a cemetery.



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