Stoltzenburg to address Lincoln Woman's Club at Fairgrounds
At the first meeting since February COVID protocols required

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[September 15, 2020]   LINCOLN - At the opening meeting of its 2020-21 club year, Lincoln Woman's Club will hear from Angela Stoltzenburg on the topic of “Making Wellness Happen.”

The meeting will take place Wednesday, Sept. 16, at 1:00 p.m. at the Logan County Fairgrounds. First Vice-President Darla Rohrer will introduce Stoltzenburg, who is the Community Health Collaborative Director at Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital.

Following Covid-19 guidelines and out of concern for members' safety, the meeting – which would normally occur at the club's own building – has been moved to the northern-most building normally used for the Saturday Farmers Market. Those attending should use the west entrance to the fairgrounds. Face masks are required throughout the meeting, and chairs will be spaced six feet apart. Greeters Pat Benson and Vicki Broughton, both nurses, will take temperatures as people arrive.

No refreshments will be served, but hostesses Joyce Board, Jackie Campbell and Wanda Lee Rohlfs will have bottled water available. Members should bring their own folding or lawn chairs and a pen for use on sign-up sheets.

The theme for the meeting is “A Happy BEE-ginning,” in line with the state president's theme “Bee- Lieve You Can.” President Judy Rader will conduct this first membership meeting since February. She said, “We are delighted to finally be able to meet safely and plan our charitable activities for the new year.”

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Second Vice-President Cindy Aussieker will lead devotions. Marcia Howen will conduct a raffle of items donated by Aussieker and Lynn Spellman.

Sept. 17 is designated Constitution Day and Citizenship Day to commemorate signing of the U.S. Constitution in Philadelphia on Sept. 17, 1787. At the Sept. 16 membership meeting LWC members will ring bells for 200 seconds to remember the signing of the Constitution. Along with face masks, pens and chairs, members who wish to participate are asked to bring small bells for this purpose.

Membership Chair Ellen Dobihal encourages those attending to bring guests. Anyone interested in joining Lincoln Woman's Club should contact Dobihal at 217-732-4351 or at

[Lynn Spellman]


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