Strong leadership and tough
decision-making skills come naturally for me. I have spent 8 years
in the Navy with my last position being a department lead as an
Avionics Technician, responsible for the quality control of the
flight instrumentation and communication systems. I currently serve
in the Army National Guard (2years) as an Infantry Squad Leader for
a team of 8 and responsible for ensuring they can perform their
assigned duties when needed and deployment readiness. This includes
but in not limited to split second decisions, prescribing corrective
actions, training and mentoring. In addition to this, I’m the
Command lead for the “Fit for Duty” program ensuring all reservist
have successfully completed their required screenings.

In addition to my military service, I’m currently an Online Manager
at the Clinton Nuclear Power plant. Being a highly regulated
industry, I oversee the readiness and schedule execution for seven
different departments, to ensure we meet and exceed requirements set
by the station’s Nuclear Operating License requirements set by the
Nuclear Regulatory Commission. I have also been responsible for
departmental budget up to $4 million and serve on &/or lead several
strategic meetings made up of various department managers. The
purpose of these meetings is to work as a team to ensure we are
addressing issues promptly and effectively while proactively moving
the plant in a strategic direction.
I became interested in the Logan County Board when I reviewed a copy
of their annual budget last year. As a result, I attended a Finance
Committee to inquire about some of my concerns. My greatest concern
was the budget was $1 Million higher than the previous year’s
expenses. This was a concern because once you pass a government
budget you are basically giving them permission to spend the
budgeted amount even if they do not have the current revenues to
support it. This is a problem for the every day hard-working
taxpayers of our county because we are ultimately responsible for
this deficit spending. Due to this, I started questioning the
Courthouse Restoration Sales Tax Referendum. I attended a public
meeting on this topic and received a lot of support for the tough
questions and common sense I brought to the table. After the
meeting, I was encouraged by multiple attendees to run for the Logan
County Board.
I have continued to follow the Courthouse Restoration project to
ensure the sales tax money would only be used for the restoration of
the courthouse. To get the project started the board needed to
secure a bond to finance the project. To secure the bond
(essentially a loan), required the county to pledge an alternate
source of revenue (our property taxes) to pay back the bond if the
.50% sales tax was not enough to make the required payments. Some
members of the county board wanted to secure a substantially higher
bond amount than what was estimated to complete the project. [to
top of second column] |
 Due to citizens like me and others
showing up to the meeting and questioning what was taking place, we
were able to support those board members who supported the a more
acceptable bond amount and wanted to ensure the wording in the bond
stipulated the money could only be used for the courthouse
restoration and associated expenses.
My natural leadership skills are based on accountability, integrity,
and cost effective and efficient solutions. My military and civilian
work experience require me to ask the tough questions and challenge
the status quo. Therefore, when elected, I can promise you I will
continue to do what I have already been doing, asking the tough
questions and challenging votes that would negatively impact
taxpayers. I believe we need this kind of leadership at the county
level and to get started I would like to focus on the following
Courthouse Restoration Project – I want to ensure
we complete this project according to the will of the people and
have a sustainable courthouse for generations to come.
Budget - We need a budget more in line with our
revenue capacity so we can thrive and grow responsibly while
remaining financially and economically sound.
Transparency – I would like to see the county
board engage the tax payers thoughts/views when voting for
potential concerns that can impact the tax payers and provide
monthly news letters with current committee discussions.
Improve the Revenue Stream - I would like to see
the county grow responsibly so we can improve the quality of
life for our residents, showcase what a great county this is to
live in and bring in new industry.
Living in the perilous times of
today, if we don’t make a change now, the future is in the hands of
the unknown. I believe my background and skills are needed on the
Logan County board. Tough decisions need to be made for the growth
of our county and I’m up for the challenge. Please help me expand my
public service to the taxpayers of District 6 and all of Logan
County by voting for me on November 3rd, 2020.

Please take the time to share this page and watch for more updates.
If you have any questions or would like to know more, please contact
me through my Facebook page. (Dale Nelson for Logan County Board). [Written
and submitted by Dale Nelson] |