“Illinois is home to nearly 2.7 million older adults,
and some of these individuals represent a vulnerable population with
functional impairments, chronic health conditions or economic
limitations,” said IEMA Director Alicia Tate-Nadeau. “National
Preparedness Month is an annual reminder for older adults, their
families and caregivers to take a few simple steps to prepare for an
emergency. Being prepared can help reduce fear, anxiety and losses
associated with a disaster.”
“Seniors should not feel anxious about asking for help or preparing
for a disaster. Plan for what you can, and focus on things you can
control,” said Paula Basta, Director of IDoA. “I encourage everyone
to be mindful of our older family members, friends, or neighbors.
Have a discussion with your older friend or your relative’s
caregiver about the safeguards in place if a disaster strikes. If
they don’t have a plan, consider assisting them in implementing some
of these tips.”

Here are four tips that can help older Illinoisans prepare for a
disaster or emergency:
Create a Support Network
This is a
great time to get to know your neighbors. Identify family, friends
and others who can assist you during an emergency. Studies show
46-percent of individuals will rely on their neighbors immediately
following a disaster or emergency. Also, take a moment to identify
the various services available in your area. In addition to the 211
system in many communities, IDoA can connect older adults and their
caregivers with trustworthy local support resources. Learn more by
using the department’s Provider Profile search tool.
Financial Preparedness
A disaster can disrupt mail service for days or
weeks. If you depend on Social Security or other regular benefits,
switching to electronic payments is a simple, important way to
protect yourself financially before a disaster. Additionally, on
September 16, FEMA will hold a webinar to share real-world examples
of how to be more financially prepared for emergencies or disasters,
and top financial experts will share tools that can help individuals
and communities increase economic resilience.
Build A Kit
Stores and pharmacies may be closed immediately
following a disaster, so it is important to keep critical supplies,
including food and medication, in an emergency supply kit.
Medicine: Don’t wait to the last minute to have your
medications refilled. Talk to your pharmacist and health care
insurer to see if your insurance plan offers a more affordable
mail-order option. Some insurers are also allowing early refills and
extending the term of a prescription from a 30-day supply to a
90-day supply. (See more on how Medicare is responding to COVID-19.)
[to top of second
column] |
 Additionally, if you rely on others to help fill
your weekly medication boxes or remind you to take your medications,
consider the Automated Medication Dispenser Program (AMD). AMD is a
service provided under IDoA’s Community Care Program.
Food: Emergency food supplies can be built over time, as to
not be a cost burden to seniors. Consider picking up one extra can
of food each time you visit the grocery store. Or find senior food
resources online at
Learn a New (Technology) Skill
Access and use of technology by older Americans is
important to building and keeping socially connected. A study by
Michigan State University found technology use reduces feelings of
loneliness and resulted in better self-rated health, fewer chronic
conditions and lower depression. Not only can smartphones and
tablets/computers help you connect with family and friends, but
these devices can also offer ways to receive emergency alerts and
notifications about impending weather or hazards. Illinois Care
Connections can provide technology devices such as iPads or Tablets
to participants thanks to a $1.7M grant through the CARES Act. You
can learn more about this program’s eligibility requirements at
IDoA, its 13 Area Agencies on Aging, and 46 Care Coordination Units
are working to ensure that services provided by the agency are never
interrupted. If you or an older family member, friend, or neighbor
need assistance, please visit
or contact the Senior HelpLine at 1-800-252-8966 (hearing impaired
call 888-206-1327) or by email

IEMA offers disaster preparedness information on the Ready Illinois
website -
www.Ready.Illinois.gov - a one-stop resource for detailed
information about what to do before, during and after disasters.
During large-scale disasters, IEMA uses the Ready Illinois website,
Facebook and Twitter pages to provide critical information about the
incident, including shelter locations, road closures, safety
information, photos and more.
For more information about emergency and disaster preparedness,
visit ready.illinois.gov.
[Illinois Office of Communication and
Information] |