University of Illinois
online education webinars offered September 23rd through October 6
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[September 23, 2020]
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the webinar.
Community and Economic Development
September 29
11 AM
Improving Export Options for Small Businesses: Local Government
Education Webinar
Selling abroad can be intimidating, but may be just the boost small
businesses facing lasting financial challenges need. Learn the
fundamentals and benefits of exporting. Local, state, and federal
programs are available for businesses in Southern Illinois to
initiate or expand export efforts. Coordinator: Nancy Ouedraogo
Family, Food, and Finances
September 23
Get Savvy: Financial Tools for Uncertain Times
Extraordinary times leads to uncertainty, especially with our
finances. Join in our discussion to learn strategies for building
positive financial habits during ordinary and uncertain times. Start
the academic year strong and put these practical financial tips into
action. Presented by Kathy Sweedler, University of Illinois
Extension, Kelsey Gerber, Loyola University Chicago, and Andrea
Pellegrini, University of Illinois Student Money Management Center.
September 23
Decoding That Diet You Saw on the Internet: Vegetarian, Vegan, and
Paleo Diets
Are vegans always healthier? Are we supposed to eat like our
ancestors during the hunting and gathering era? Join registered
dietitian Ru Liu to learn about the vegan, vegetarian, and paleo
diets, and gain the tools to decide whether those diets are for you.
Coordinator: Chelsey Byers
September 24
10 AM
Discover Healthy Aging Series: Someday is Today, Live Your Bucket
The Healthy Aging series wraps up with a tactile way to encourage
living life to the fullest by addressing the “one of these days,”
“when things slow down,” and dreams on the back burner while “life
happens.” A bucket list is simply a list of things you’d like to do
in your lifetime. Simple in theory, but the point is often missed.
Presenters: Chelsey Byers and Karla Belzer

September 30
Taste the Rainbow: Overview of Carotenoids in Your Diet, Body, and
Nature and the foods we eat encompass a wide spectrum of colors.
What is responsible for the colors we eat? In this seminar, we will
discuss carotenoids: what they are, where we see them in our daily
life, their benefits for our health, and how to incorporate them
into our diet. Join neuroscience PhD student Corinne Cannavale to
learn more about these amazing nutrients. Coordinator: Chelsey Byers
Energy and Environment
September 25
Fall Lawn Care
Fall is the perfect time to repair any lawn damage. As lawns go
dormant, a few simple techniques may make the difference for
beautiful spring lawns. A free online webinar will provide tips for
fall lawn care, including raking the lawn, mowing , watering,
maintenance, aeration, dethatching, fertilizing, re-seeding, and
over-seeding the lawn, as well as pest and disease issues.
Presenter: James Theuri
September 28
10 AM
Which Grass is Which: Basics of Grass and Woodland Grass
Want to impress your company with extensive grass knowledge on your
next Illinois nature encounter? This is the first in a three-part
series. Presenter: Erin Garrett
September 30
10 AM
Which Grass is Which: Prairie Grass Identification
The second webinar in the series features prairie grasses.
Presenter: Erin Garrett
September 30
6 PM
Growing Garlic on Small Acres
With the cooler fall temperatures, gardeners are starting to develop
cool-season gardens. Garden varieties can include short-term crops,
such as cabbage, lettuce, radishes, and spinach. There’s one crop
that is planted in the fall and will be harvested the following
summer, depending on the growing season. That crop is garlic. From
home gardeners to growers with small acreage, this presentation will
be of benefit. Presenters: James Theuri, Laurie George
October 2
10 AM
Which Grass is Which: Nuisance Grass Identification
There's a reason it's called nuisance grass. Learn to identify it
easily. This is the third webinar in the series. Presenter: Erin
October 3
9 AM
Latest Insect Invaders: Gardening in the Air Invasives Webinar
New insect pests seem to pop up all the time, and learning how to
best manage invasive new pests takes time and effort. This
presentation will discuss our most recent invasive insects: the
emerald ash borer, spotted wing drosophila, and the brown marmorated
stink bug.
[to top of second column] |

There will be time to answer questions about whatever other insects the audience
chooses to discuss. Bring your insect-related questions! Presenter: Donald
Lewis, Professor and Extension Entomologist, Iowa State University.
October 3
10 AM
Emerging Diseases in the Midwest: Gardening in the Air Invasives Webinar
Discover how to look for plant disease problems, how diseases spread and move
around in the environment, some example invasive diseases to watch for, and
technology and tools that can help expand your knowledge and report suspect
infections. Presenters: Lina Rodriquez-Salamanca, Diagnostician and Extension
Plant Pathologist, Iowa State University; Diane Plewa

October 3
11 AM
Not Just Another Weed: Gardening in the Air Invasives Webinar
Invasive plants are not simply plants out of place. This presentation will
discuss the complex ecological processes and interactions that happen with plant
invasions, the type of impacts we see as a result of invasive plants, and the
priority invasive plant species in Illinois. The presentation includes what
landowners, gardeners, professionals, and volunteers can do about invasives.
Presenter: Chris Evans
October 3
9 AM
Growing Vegetables in Containers: Gardening in the Air Webinar
There are not many things better than enjoying fresh vegetables from your own
garden, whether greens, herbs, vine-ripened tomatoes, or a bumper crop of
zucchini. Container vegetables allow gardeners to enjoy fresh veggies even when
they don’t have the ideal spot for a vegetable garden. Learn about the special
considerations needed for growing produce in containers. Presenter: Cindy
Haynes, Associate Professor and Horticulture Specialist, Iowa State University.
October 3
10 AM
The Cook’s Garden: Gardening in the Air Webinar
As your summer vegetable garden ends, now is a great time to consider unusual or
new varieties for your 2021 garden. Broccoli rabe, ‘Pink Banana’ squash,
Cheddar’ cauliflower, Okinawan sweet potato, and spelt are some of the trending
vegetables and grains. This class will look at what you can (and can’t) grow in
your summer garden, with a focus on produce that will be eaten fresh, made into
sauces, and have center stage in your cooking. Grains, unique vegetable
varieties, microgreens, and flavor-focused produce will be covered. Presenter:
Grant McCarty
October 3
11 AM
Culinary Herbs and Pollinating Insects: Gardening in the Air Webinar
Gardening with culinary herbs is a great way to add interest and fragrance to
the landscape. Tips will be shared on using herbs to attract pollinating
insects. Presenter: Jennifer Fishburn
October 3
9 AM
How Not to Kill Your Houseplants: Gardening in the Air Webinar
Houseplants are as popular as ever, but it can be difficult to know what
lighting, care, and watering requirements are needed in order to keep them alive
long term. Learn about the most popular and easiest to grow houseplants and some
tips for houseplant success. Presenter: Candice Hart
October 3
10 AM
Indoor Propagation: Gardening in the Air Webinar
Propagation is one of the greatest plant skills to know. What could be better
than making a new plant? During this session, we will discuss basics of
propagation and why it works, as well as talk kitchen scrap gardening.
Presenter: Bruce J. Black

October 3
11 AM
Orchids 101: Gardening in the Air Webinar
With bold beautiful flowers, many gardeners are interested in growing orchids.
While many species are relatively easy to grow indoors, their care is different
than other houseplants. Learn how to care for these unique tropical plants,
which species are best for gardeners to try, how to address common issues that
arise, and the things you need to do to get them to bloom every year. Presenter:
Aaron Steil, Assistant Director of Reiman Gardens and Lecturer, Iowa State
Youth Development
October 6
5 PM
Teacher Tuesdays: Virtual Resource Fair
Join us for virtual networking events designed to connect teachers and their
classrooms with local STEAM resources. Chat with other teachers and
professionals in STEAM fields to learn about resources and activities for your
classroom. The Virtual Resource Fair will highlight multiple organizations and
their activities, specifically focused on virtual offerings. The panel
discussions will allow a more in-depth look at resources and a chance to ask
questions of professionals in specific fields. Organizers: Judy Schmidt, Emily
[University of Illinois Extension] |