Stigma is discrimination based on fear, lack of
knowledge or a need to blame others, explained Amber Olson, director
of behavioral therapy services for Memorial Behavioral Health.
“Fear often creates a stigma around an illness and the people who
are affected,” Olson said. “Because COVID-19 is so new, and so much
about it is unknown, it’s unfortunately created an atmosphere in
which people can experience discrimination, harassment or outright

Olson said a wide range of people and groups have reported
experiencing stigma during the COVID-19 pandemic, including:
· People of Asian descent and Black or African Americans
· People who tested positive for COVID-19, have recovered from
COVID-19 or were quarantined as a patient under investigation
· Emergency responders or healthcare providers
· Frontline workers, such as grocery store clerks or delivery
· People who have disabilities or developmental or behavioral
disorders who may have difficulty following recommendations
· People who have underlying health conditions that cause a cough
· People living in congregate settings and homeless shelters
[to top of second column] |

“The effects of stigma can manifest themselves in
many ways,” Olson said. “Some people diagnosed with COVID-19,
especially early in the pandemic, reported threatening online
comments or other forms of harassment.”
COVID-19 patients or patients under investigation can
also feel isolated, anxious and depressed, Olson said, making
recovery even more stressful.
“At Memorial, we’re actively working to help our patients with
COVID-19, as well as others affected by the pandemic, by reducing
the stigma,” Olson said. But there are things the public can do to
help as well. Here are a few of her suggestions:
· Speak out when you hear negative comments or misinformation about
how the virus spreads, whether in person or online.

· Don’t refer to the virus in terms of specific ethnicities or
nationalities. Remember, everyone is vulnerable to COVID-19.
· Avoid spreading rumors or using language that promotes fear. Focus
on facts. Don’t isolate or shame the person. For example, say
“COVID-19 spreads” not “she spreads COVID-19.”
If you know someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19, stay in
touch with that person via phone or email. Let them know they have
your love and support.
[Memorial Health Systems] |