Fear of contracting COVID-19 has scared workers away from
restaurant kitchens in favor of delivery work and other jobs
with less contact with the public.
In a restaurant, you are in close proximity to the guests. A
lot of staff are still really uncomfortable, chef Carrie
Nahabedian, co-owner of the award-winning French restaurant
Brindille in River North, said.
Brindille is luckier than most restaurants, Nahabedian said, in
that all the staff who work in the front of the restaurant have
stuck with her through the COVID-19 shutdowns. They are eager to
finally get back to work this spring.
Meantime, Brindille will reopen for 4 days a week by the end of
April. By summer, Nahabedian hopes the restaurant will be able
to open 5 days a week. Without enough staff, she and her core
workers will knock themselves out to keep up the quality
experience that her customers expect, she said.
