Mount Pulaski CUSD 23 Board of Education
meeting summary
Incumbent Board Members take oath of office
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[April 27, 2021]
On Wednesday, April 21st, the Mt. Pulaski CUSD 23 Board of Education
met for the regular meeting at 5:30 PM in the Mt. Pulaski Grade
School Learning Center. This meeting was originally scheduled for
Monday, April 19th, but was postponed until the 21st so that the
official Logan County Abstract of Votes could be received in order
to seat newly elected Board members. All seven Board members were
Board started the meeting in Executive Session to conduct a
self-evaluation activity as well as consider employment of staff.
The Board exited Executive Session at approximately 5:25 PM.
The first action of the Board was to seat the newly elected Board
with the Oath of Office. Once the oath of office was completed, the
meeting transitioned to the selection of Board Officers. Eric Cowan
was elected as President, Deanne Mott was elected as Vice-President
and Ashley Combs was elected as Secretary. The Board then approved
Board meeting dates and times for next school year. Meetings will be
held the third Monday of each month except for 3 months. In January
and February the regular meetings will be held on the third
Wednesday and in April the meeting will be held on the 4th Monday
due to spring break. Meetings will be conducted at 6:00 PM with the
primary location being at the Mt. Pulaski Grade School Learning

Under Recognition of Public, Superintendent Lamkey read a letter
from Jennifer Beggs that protested the changes in the grade school
promotion ceremony which was accompanied by a petition of 105 people
who supported holding the ceremony in a traditional fashion. There
were three other guests, none of whom requested to address the
The Board adopted the Consent Agenda which included approval of the
payment of bills, sales tax revenue report, March 15 regular Board
meeting minutes, March 15 Executive Session minutes and membership
renewals for the IESA and IHSA. The motion passed unanimously.
Board member, Rob Smith, recapped the first meeting of the newly
formed Finance Committee. The committee is composed of Mr. Smith,
President Cowan, Kathy Tschantz and Mr. Lamkey. Their purpose is to
work with Mr. Lamkey to gain a greater understanding of school
finance which can then be translated to the entire Board. The
committee will have a special focus on budgeting and the tax levy.
Doug Martin then reported on the recent Building and Grounds
Committee meeting which included an update on future projects. The
district will be moving forward on constructing a new marquee sign
in front of the high school, due in large part to a private donation
bestowed upon the district this winter. In addition, a lighting
project along Spring Street was discussed as well as a joint
sidewalk project with the city.
Superintendent Lamkey described the recent Health Life Safety Survey
conducted by the district architect which revealed needed
improvements on the district's campus. The most prominent of
improvements includes a new roof on the 1963 portion of the high
school, as well as a new roof on the grade school gym. The Building
and Grounds Committee will release the Capital Projects list later
this spring.
In Unfinished Business, the Board discussed the current landscape of
the pandemic, noting changes in quarantine and social distancing in
schools. Conversations were also held in regard to masks and other
Mr. Morgan confirmed Board member graduation responsibilities in the
first item of new business. Mrs. Mott and Mr. Martin will have the
honor of awarding graduates with diplomas on May 23rd. The high
school ceremony will begin at 3:00 PM and is planned to be held in
the 1963 gymnasium. Mr. Morgan is working with the families of
graduates to determine attendees. The high school is still
hopeful for reduced mitigation restrictions as more and more people
become vaccinated. Mrs. Lora noted that the grade school promotion
ceremony will be Wednesday, June 2nd at 1:00 PM in the grade school
[to top of second column] |

The Board then unanimously approved three consecutive items all
related to the district Health Life Safety Survey. This survey will allow the
district to use money generated through Health Life Safety to make district
improvements to infrastructure.
The company that manages the district’s website passed along
changes concerning privacy issues and their work with the district. This motion
was approved 7-0.
Superintendent Lamkey then asked the Board to postpone voting on the potential
memorandum of understanding with Mt. Pulaski Education Association and the
linked FY22 calendar amendment. Mr. Lamkey explained that it would be better to
have the agreement vetted by the Personnel Committee prior to being brought to
the Board for consideration. A Personnel Committee meeting will be held prior to
the May 17 regular meeting so that the board may reconsider the motions then.
Both motions were postponed by a 7-0 vote.
The Board then engaged in a lively discussion concerning the potential for
adding a requirement of three years of math in high school. Currently 8th grade
Algebra I credit counts toward the three required high school math credits.
Moving forward, this could mean that students could opt out of math in their
junior and senior years leaving them less prepared for post high school. The
discussion ended with the Board requesting to hear from Mr. Copley, Ms. Hinson
and Mrs. Fricke for further explanation next month.
The Board next approved the MPHS Course Catalog for next year which includes the
addition of a 4th year math class that will focus on students transitioning into
post high school training and workforce. The motion passed unanimously.

The administration then recommended the revamping of library supervision in the
district. The grade school position becomes available as Mrs. Kretzinger will
move from her position as a library paraprofessional to a high school
administrative assistant.
Administrators are recommending the combination of the high school and grade
school library paraprofessional positions to become one single district
position. The Board approved the new job description 7-0.
In the Personnel Report, the Board unanimously approved the following items:
● Retiring Employment Agreement with Kathleen Tarrant
● Kristi Olson as MPGS Cheer Coach for the 2021-22 season.
● Jamie Jones as MPGS Yearbook Sponsor for the 2021-22 school year.
● The resignation of Chelsea Irwin as MPGS paraprofessional
● The employment of Erin Alderson as MPGS paraprofessional
● The employment of Troy Burgard as MPGS baseball coach for the 2021-22 season
● The employment of Travis Lingafelter as MPGS softball coach for the 2021-22
Noting no additional other business, the Board adjourned at approximately 8:00
PM. The next regular meeting of the Board of Education will be held on Monday,
May 17th.
[Sarah Farris
Administrative Assistant
Mount Pulaski CUSD 23] |